
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cooking Thursday

Sandra from Diary of a SAHM is hosting Cooking Thursday again, so that means it's time for another recipe. Go visit her if you want to see more!
The recipe I have today is one you may already have. We have always liked these and they are quick and easy. Besides, you can't go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter!

No Bake Cookies

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
3 1/2 cup oatmeal
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix cocoa and sugar together. Stir in milk, and add butter. Heat in saucepan and bring to full boil. Add peanut butter and vanilla and stir in. Remove from heat, then add oatmeal.
Drop by tablespoon onto wax paper or cookie sheet. Let cool and enjoy!


Tasha said...

awww i love this recipe .. i made some of these yesterday

Karin said...

Sounds yummy - can't say I've ever had them though!

Sandra said...

Oooh sounds good. And hey, I promise I will have the post up early tonight.

Oh and before I forget, I haven't forgotten about your Arizona box, it's going in the mail tomorrow.

Linda said...

Oh those cookies look delish! I'd sure love a few to nibble on right about now!

Kayren said...

It's time to make these again!

Syrone said...

If I could just have a whiff, I'd be fine. They look yummy! said...

I remember making those so many years ago. You're right, they are easy and delicious!

Momma Roar said...

I've seen these before, but never tried them.

They do look very yummy! Will be printing this one off - thanks!

Brooke said...

my mom use to make these all the time. yum!!

Brooke said...

my mom use to make these all the time. yum!!

Susan said...

One of my favorites and always a big hit whenever I make them for any occasion.

Jen said...

I LOVE these cookies. I'm going to make these for our camping trip today!! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

Connie said...

We had these alot when I was a kid.
We never tired of them though - they're delicious.

Karen Hossink said...

LOVE these!
My son asked me once if he could have a No Bake cookie before he'd eaten breakfast. I looked at him and said, "Well, they have peanut butter in them, so there's protein. And there's oatmeal. So it's practically breakfast. Sure!"
I thought he was going to faint. LOL!

Pat said...

Enjoy is the key word here!
I agree with Irritable Mother...these could be my new breakfast food!

Jenny said...

Sounds like a party in your mouth! Erica has a birthday this Sunday and then there's the family gathering for Memorial Day ... I do believe I'll whip up a batch of these! My husband will love them! Thanks, Mari!

annies home said...

one of our favorite type of cookies. I think I need to make a batch of them up soon

Kim said...

I've been craving No Bakes. *sigh* Just don't feel like making them at this point. Maybe tomorrow. Your recipe is different than the one I've been using; will have to try it.

Betty W said...

I was looking for this recipe a while ago and didn´t find it. Now I´ll save yours. Thanks! I love them

Heart2Heart said...


Please stop by my blog today for another Urgent Prayer request, this time its for my family.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

LuAnn said...

Sounds great !!! I'm making them this weekend:)