It seems every time I listen to the news there are more things to worry about. The stock market is not doing well. Our retirement funds keep losing more money than we are putting into them. There is always something new that scientist are finding may cause cancer. And of course, there is the looming presidential election for those of us in the United States. I was at a meeting at church last night and the concerns we have over the election came up. As we were all praying together a verse popped into my head.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
What a wonderful promise! God knows that there will always be trouble of some sort here on earth, but he has already won the big battle!
I take comfort in the fact that God is still God, He is in charge over me, my family, the stock market and any presidents or rulers here on earth. He has no hidden agenda and He always wants the best for us.
What an inspirational post in times that are troubled. Isn't God great? So many promises that we know will never be broken.
Thank you for your prayers.
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Hubby and I were just talking about the looming election on the way home from an errand a couple of hours ago. What an appropriate thing for me to pop over to your blog and read, and what a reminder and encouragement.
Thanks for the reminder of whom is really in charge. our spititual retirement(meaning when we go home to him) is taken care of.
Mari, I loved your post because we have to reminded of our God's promises in these difficult times.
Amen to that my friend, we don't have to worry one bit, Its all in control of God...
I was just talking to Logan about the candidates and the election on Monday afternoon. I said that I wasn't going to worry about it because what good will that do? Is my worrying going to change the outcome? Is my worrying going to get "my candidate" elected? God already knows who's going to win the election and we've already been told that things will get worse and worse. I am often reminded of the scerenity prayer - "God grant me the scerenity to accept the things I cannot change..." I cannot change the "vote of America" so I need to let go and let God! :)
A wonderful reminder Mari! It's good when we do remind each other of what God's word says.
I'm so thankful for that blessed assurance (which is also one of my favorite songs!) that God is in control. The world may shake and rumble, but our hope is in Him, and in our eternity. Thanks for a great post today.
Amen!! We live in Gods economy, He say's He will take care of us, and His word never returns void. .Thanks for the encouragement:)
Thanks for the post Mari. Good reminder.Take care,Patty
I have overcome the world...AMEN!!
Amen Mari...preach it sistah!
That is what is getting me through these times in our nation right now. No matter what, He will work out ALL THINGS for GOOD, for those who love him.
I am standing on all of these scriptures too!
Thank you for the reminder. It is not only timely but always needed.
That is a wonderful verse, Mari! I just finished listening to three hours of Rush Limbaugh. . . . . . I needed your post! Ha! Ha!
I love this verse Mari. I really clung to it when I got sick three years ago. I still do.
It's sad, but I think worry is one of the acceptable sins within the church. Just about anytime I talk with a woman on a Sunday morning I hear a reference to worry... "kids, finances, economy, work, physique etc." And many don't choose to think on the things that are right, true pure etc as God commands us to.
I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I pray that the many who read your post will be encouraged to trust God with all things and choose against worrying... He cares for the sparrow and will equally care for us.
Such an encouraging post Mari ! Thanks for the reminder that God is in control ! Even when things go 'wrong' ... He's still in control !!
We are constantly talking about this issue. I need this scripture MORE and more each day. Thank you for this very TRUE reminder.
"...Take heart for HE has overcome the world..." HE has! And I'm grateful. The News definitely has a way at making our lives more worrisome, that's for sure, maybe that's why I don't really watch the News on TV anymore.
Yes I love that verse too. If we are obedient and have faith we are rewarded with peace.
God is SO good! Maribeth you are a breath of fresh air..thank you Kae
OH, I forgot Congratulations!!! Now you need music for dancing.. Remember Ryn and Stempy...Happy Happy Joy Joy!!
Thanks for this reminder. God is in control!!! Hallelujah!
Great scripture! The media does preach such a "sky is falling" message. I feel for those that dont have the word of God to fall on
A wonderful verse, Mari ~
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