Hello. My name is Cleo and I am the owner of Mari and her family. I am making a brief stop here to let you all know of the torment that I am being subjected to in this household. As you can see in the picture below, I am really quite beautiful and as the head of this household I deserve to be treated with respect.

Here I am in one of my favorite places. I really need a lot of rest and prefer to be left alone unless I ask for attention.
This is Mari's daughter
Heather. Don't let that innocent looking smile fool you. She is really quite bossy with me. She doesn't let me get away with much. I should confess that I do have a small psychological problem. I am somewhat of a nervous cat and I tend to lick my belly. I have licked it enough that sometimes, there isn't much hair on it. They made me go to the vet and get checked and I really didn't appreciate that. I stopped for a while after that, because I didn't want to go back. However, lately things are kind of messed up around here. Mari has Bob working on that kitchen and things are being moved around. They even moved my food bowl! Well, I have to calm myself in some way, so I must admit that I've taken up that nasty licking habit again. This has Heather all upset with me. You wouldn't believe what she is doing to me.
Yes - she is making me wear a dress. You can't see it very well here, but it covers my belly and now I can't lick it. I tell you - it is completely humiliating! When she puts it on me, I try to hide and I hate to even move in it. If my cat friends from next door would see me I would just die of embarrassment. I'll let you in on a secret though - I have discovered how to get out of it. If no one is looking I can do it quite quickly.Now you know what life is like for me here. Don't you agree that this is a terrible indignity for a cat of my high status?
You're no cat, you're a over grown dust bunny with ears.
that is funny!
I laughed through the whole story and I can see how the cat can feel out of place with all of that going on around the house.
that is written so true to how she is. very funny
This was so funny! Written like the true feelings of a cat.
I'm so behind and just catching up on my blog reading. I didn't know chocolate had a day! It's a food group at our house.
I'm going to try your picture meme.
Aw... kitty I have a dog that thinks he has it much worse then you!!! You would get along with him just great, he thinks he's a cat too!
Cleo, that is indeed some grave indignity, and I am sorry you've been forced to wear such a garment, even just around the house. I think it would be appropriate to take some revenge and I'd give you suggestions as to how do do that but you're a cat and well-versed in the ways of subterfuge. Go get 'em, tiger.
Oh my darling Cleo. I feel so bad for you. Heather could have at least picked out a more fashionable dress for you.
You hold your head up and stay proud. By the way, that Bob does love you an awful lot even though he tries to act all tough and macho regarding you.
You are not a dust bunny!
Oh that poor little kitty. The abuse!
LOL, very funny post
LOL that was so funny. Poor Cleo, but at least you look purty with your pink dress :)
That was sooo funny!I think all the bloggers should write pet posts.Take care,Patty
Don't let that innocent look of hers fool you...she isn't the angel that she has tried to hard to make herself out to be. And...if you could see her belly you would know why I try to stop her from licking it - there is no fur there people! Cats are meant to have fur on their bellies!
Poor Cleo. What a terrible life she has to live. And a polka dotted dress? Everyone know that polka dots are not in this season - it's all about the plaids! She does have a high status and a reputation to uphold!
Oh you poor baby. if that is the worse that gets dome to you take hearh. my humand keep sticking me underwater giving me baths.we cats don't like that. that's my story and I'm sticking to it like the guy I own says!- Harvey!
Ha, ha, ha!! That was a great post! How cute she is in that dress!
what a cute post. well written.
If you would just be a good kitty, Heather would not put that polka dot dress on you. Try to control your urge to lick. It is a stress response and you really should seek help at a cat psychologist.
LOL So cute.
Oh, poor baby! I know how that stress can wear on a person! But I have one word of advice if you ever find a way to "lick" this problem - when you get stressed again, just DON'T TURN TO FOOD!!! It gets you into even more trouble!!
*chuckling* ... poor thing!
but what a good size cat! i should send scooter over there, your cleo wouldn't have time to lick her belly!
This is really cute!
I don't know which is funnier, your post or all the comments!
Dear Guestblogger...
Sounds like you are having to go through alot lately. I do want you to know that you shouldn't be embarrassed of your new dress...it's looks quite cute. Sounds like your owners do love you though!
Oh Cleo Jean,
You do look rather silly in your little dress. Maybe since your birthday is coming up soon Heather will buy you a more fashionable dress!
LOL! I needed that!
Welcome to the land of blogging. I feel for you, I really do...having to put up with that family of yours would be enough to make anyone lick their belly. (LOL) And that dress!!! Oh dear...I'll put in a good word for you with Heather :)
So nice to hear from you Cleo! What a fun post.
Cleo, next time make that pesky girl pick out your own outfit. Then at least you can have that to console your poor injured cattyheart.
Hilarious! Cleo is a georgious cat.
Well as a pet of three cats ha ha, YOU Crack Me Up!! That is too funny, thanks for the laugh!
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