
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Works for me Wednesday

Today's Works for me Wednesday post is about how I handle owners manuals. You know, all those booklets that end up being tucked in several places, and then when you have a question about your mixer, vacuum cleaner, washing machine... you don't know where you put the book! I got sick of this and a few years ago went out and bought this folder. It is roomy, with quite a few accordion type slots in it. It also has a large separate section in the front, that I use to put the spare pieces that sometimes come with these items, such as a new belt for the vacuum cleaner or extra screws... I keep this in a closet in my office/scrapbooking room and now when I need to find something out about one of my appliances, I know where to look. If you want to see more ideas, visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.


A Captured Reflection said...

Yes it's a fab idea. We have a draw in the filing cabinet for all the Warranties and Manuals - it is usually when you haven't filed one that, it is the one needed. Doh! Thanks for sharing, I love all these great tips.

Anonymous said...

I have a 3 ring binder with the clear document sleeves, it sure is handy when say your freezer croaks 3 months before the warentee expires. I also staple the reciept to the manual so I have that handy if I need it too.

Rmomof3 said...

What a good idea! I will have to keep this in mind!

Sweet blessings!

Diane said...

Great idea! I'll have to see if an organized and a not-so-organized person could keep that up!

A Stone Gatherer said...

Awesome idea Mari. I will have to go get one. It would help to if I sorted through all the manuals of things I no longer even have.

Debs said...

Maybe everyone else came from rocks in my dryer by a corrected link, but in case they come to your blog a different way I just wanted to let you know that the link that's number 44 in the WFMW list was not correct. I had to sort of guess and invent your blog address (which I did, and I'm glad I did because this is a great idea!)
I think what I just wrote makes sense, but if not I'm sorry - I'm opperating on too little sleep today!

Megan Cobb said...

I loved your sweet Sister Tribute! :) And this is a wonderful plan for owner's manuals. We do the same, except ours have to be stored in a banker's box with hanging folders since we combined two adult households in our 30s and have way too much STUFF. And all of the STUFF'S STUFF, if you will.

Laura said...

We have something like that too - a little file drawer with seperate files for "Appliances" "Coupons" "Tax Info" "Sofia" etc. And all the information regarding the topic goes in the folder!

I guess I got my smarts from my mom! :)

Cheri said...

I have a drawer just for those things- same general idea I guess-it does work great.

Unknown said...

Yup, that is a good idea, I have mine in a big baggie and keep it in the furnace room on a hook.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I was just recently lamenting the disorganized pile of manuals and instructions I have in one drawer.

Amy Fox said...

I'm glad you reposted on WFMW .... I couldn't get your link to work yesterday!

Great tip! :) Very helpful!

LeslieW. said...

Great idea! I have a file for mine too!

Zaankali said...

This is a great idea but I have no idea where all of my manuals are. LOL! Just kidding!

The Birds Nest said...

Great idea to staple the receipts to the manuals. I have all of mine in a big ziploc bag, but the accordian folder would work better. I'll have to get one for the new house.