
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Greetings from the sick house...

I don't have much to share with you because I have been stuck at home sick for most of last week with a virus that made me sicker than I've been for years.
It started Wednesday.  We were supposed to watch Cassie so Andrew and Heather could go out for their anniversary. I knew I wouldn't be able to do that and I sure didn't want to pass this bug on, so Bob went to their house to watch her.

Here's a picture Bob sent me saying, "Grandma, we wish you were here!"

I ended up calling in to work on Thursday and Friday. I never call in and haven't for 30 years, except when I had Covid.  I slept most of the day both days and then all night too.

Saturday, I started feeling better.  

My sweet sister knew I was feeling crummy and brought over a few individual pans of lasagna. It's so nice to just pop them in the oven and not have to work in the kitchen.

Now it's Sunday and I am feeling so much better. However, Bob started feeling crummy in the night. So we are both staying in and resting. I'm afraid he has a few days of this in front of him, I'm thankful to have the worst behind me!


Debby said...

Getting sick is no fun. Good idea to send Bob over to watch Cassie. At least she won’t get it. Too bad for Bob but that’s usually the way it happens. Hopefully you’ll both be feeling better soon!

KEV. Robertson. said...

MARI - Glad your getting better- hope BOB is OK as well...nothing worse than feeling ill...I've been lucky for awhile with colds and flue. Regards. KEV.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! That lasagna looks so good! That was really nice of your sister to bring it over. I hope that both you and Bob are feeling 100% very soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh! I am so glad you are better, but now poor Bob. I think it is impossible for someone to get something contagious without everyone else living there catching it also. The pic Of Bob and Cassie is adorable! She looks so happy.

Catherine said...

Hope you are both feeling better soon. My son in law had this virus too and was feeling very bad.

Donna said...

So sorry you two are feeling bad...hopefully little Cassie won't get it, as well.
What a sweet sister! Wish I were closer to mine...

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh no! That certainly wasn't any fun, and I am so sorry you've been so sick and that now Bob is getting it as well. Seems like there's been a nasty virus going around lately. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be anything as dangerous as the ugly C...v...d, but still no fun. Glad you were able to stay home and rest. Oh, that lasagna sure looks good! Wow! What a nice gift! Please take care and don't rush back into too much activity too soon. Blessings to you both.

Sola Scriptura said...

I’m sorry to hear about this illness. I’m glad you’re feeling better now and it worked out for Bob to do the childcare so they could still celebrate their anniversary!

Chris said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been well and now it seems Bob is going down with it, but you have a lovely sister to bring you meals.. hope Bob won't be too bad. Yes I had a little dog called Mari, because her Kennel name was Maritea, but also Mari is the Welsh for Mary.

Latane Barton said...

Oh poor you! and now Bob seems to be coming down with it. Thankfully you have loving family who see about you and bring you good food to eat. Continue to feel better ... hugs.

R's Rue said...


Sparky said...

Oh no! So sorry y'all are sick. I hope you can rest and recover and you're better soon.
Hugs & Blessings ❤️

Dianna said...

Oh my friend, I feel for you. Carroll and I have been in since Wednesday of last week with a relapse from that virus we had earlier. I can definitely relate to how much you slept. We've been the same way.

Praying for you and Bob.

Suemn said...

It's good to hear that you are feeling better Mari and I hope Bob doesn't get too sick. I blame these viruses on the weird weather we've been getting this year. I got sick just before Christmas, sicker than I've ever been for many, many years. It wasn't Covid.

acorn hollow said...

So very sorry you were sick and now your husband has it. But very glad you are on the mend

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Oh geesh my Honey! Being knocked on your bum sick is the worst. I"m so happy to hear you're feeling better. Prayers that Bob kicks it fast!! I hope you have a much better week ahead. xoxo

Prims By The Water said...

Oh no. Hopefully you are feeling better. I know you were disappointed not being able to be with Cassie. So nice of your sister to bring you dinner though. Janice

Jeanette said...

That picture of Bob and Cassie is so cute! I had a virus around Thanksgiving that had me coughing for at least 6 weeks! Hope Bob is feeling better soon too!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sweet picture of Cassie and Bob.
Glad you're feeling better. Hope Bob feels better soon too and doesn't have a very bad case of the virus.

Terri D said...

The bad stuff is out there. I'm so sorry you were so sick and now Bob probably has it too. No fun at all. Take care - both of you!! Prayers! Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hope you are both feeling better soon.

Sweet photograph of Cassie and Bob.

All the best Jan

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh Mari that sounds exactly like what I had at Christmas! And I mean exactly. It is so awful. I'm so sorry you had to go through that but it is miraculous that if we just rest the body heals itself in these cases. Ugh I'm sorry Bob came down with it too but I guess that was inevitable -- but I hope he is feeling much better too! Love you both! xoxo

HappyK said...

Just catching up. So sorry you were sick but glad you are feeling better now. Hope Bob feels better too.

White Lace and Promises said...

Oh goodness! I sure hope you are feeling better. Your little darlings are growing up as are mine. I hope to get back to blogging soon.

Debi said...

So sorry that you were so sick. Glad you are feeling better and hope that Bob is too.