
Monday, November 13, 2023

Grandkids are the best!

We had some fun times with our granddaughters last week,
One evening we had Andrew, Heather and Cassie over. We had great fun playing with Cassie.

Reading with Grandpa.  She loves books.

Showing me how this pin toy works.

She discovered Uncle Andy's old matchbox cars.

We were in the family room downstairs where my treadmill is, and she showed me how to use it correctly!

She had lots of fun on this ball.

We also celebrated Alaina and Ruby's birthday.  Alaina turned 12 and Ruby turned 9.  I can't even believe that!

We went out for supper and then to their house.

They are so excited about the new critter in their house.  It was their birthday present.  A gecko!  They had watched a classroom gecko over summer break and thought it was so fun.  Laura is a better person than me - I was not a pet loving mom and certainly not reptiles.  :)

Opening presents.

And we played this game called Wicked Wombats.  We had to close our eyes and try to build a tower, but one person draws a card and is a wicked wombat and is trying to take them down.  (Bob was the wicked one).  As you can see, we were having lots of fun!

We love our girls - and they are growing up too fast!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Alaina and ruby are looking so grown up! They seem to grow up more with each photo. Cassie has the right idea about the proper use of a treadmill. All it needs is a pillow and blanket.

roentare said...

That looks so much fun together

DUTA said...

Happy Birthdays to Alaine and Ruby; yes, they're growing fast!
Cassie's as usual, adorable! It's great fun and joy to have the grandkids at home with you and Bob!
Beautiful pictures of beautiful family and its activities!

R's Rue said...

So sweet

Dianna said...

That sweet little Cassie...she's so tiny. I'm glad you've learned how to correctly use your treadmill now. I hope you will show us a picture of you using it correctly. :)

Oh my...Alaiana is almost a teenager! That does not seem possible. And Ruby just turned 9! You and Bob are such great grandparents.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I hardly know where to start. Alaina is TWELVE???? Mercy. She's so sweetly pretty. And Ruby turning into a lovely young lady too. You know how I feel about Cassie. Something about that little face just touches my heart. I can't wait to meet them someday and spend time with them. That gecko setup is impressive and I see evidence of another pet (the furry kind) in the picture. Laura certainly has the situation well in hand! And Wicked Wombats???? That looks hysterical. What wonderful family occasions you create. It's what the world needs more of. xoxo

Suemn said...

Ha! That Wicked Wombats game looks fun. I think Cassie has the right idea for the treadmill:)

Catherine said...

My grandson is soon 2 beginning of next year and I saw him ounce. I wish my son lives close to us because he is also growing very quickly. Cassie is growing quickly too. A belated Happy Birthday to the girls. I also don’t like reptiles.

Sola Scriptura said...

Such beautiful girls. You are so blessed! Time passes by so fast, they look so grown up now.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

You absolutely do have the most precious granddaughters and look like you have the best fun as grandparents! I pray I get to be just like you both when I grow up. 😉
That game looks so cute and fun - that final pic is priceless! Total keeper for sure. 💗

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a blessing to have such sweet and beautiful and wonderful grandchildren! They all look like they are so much fun to be with! I wouldn't be too crazy about the gecko for a pet either. We have plenty of so called "pets" living all over our back porch and around our house. Sometimes they sneak in the house and then it is a crazy time trying to catch them and put them back outside...where they belong! LOL. I'm glad your grandkids are taking good care of their pet! I'm sure it is fun for them! Just hope it doesn't get loose! LOL.

Happy@Home said...

Such special times with your grandchildren.
Now that I know the proper way to use the treadmill I will be using it more often :).
Wicked Wombats looks like great fun.

HappyK said...

You are blessed to be able to see your grandkids so often.
My 4 are all grown up with the oldest 32 years old.

Mandy said...

The older girls are definitely growing up so fast! And the little one is just precious. I know y'all treasure your time with them!

Lowcarb team member said...

Just had to stop by.
Yes, Grandkids are just the best ... we love ours to bits, so much love, laughter and fun to share.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

You are right that all three are growing up too fast!! What sweet girls they are and how blessed to have you and Bob for grandparents! Your kids are raising great kids!!

Kim said...

You guys are always doing the most fun things!

Jeanette said...

Your grandgirls are lovely and yes, growing up too fast! We have that pin game and Maxwell and Levi loved to play with it!

Prims By The Water said...

What fun you had! I dont mind geckos...snakes not so much. Janice

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Fun pictures.
Do Alaina and Ruby have the same birthday?
The gecko surely has a very fancy tank.