It's been quite a week!
First I have to thank all of you who've been praying for my Dad. I told you about the issues he was having with his heart. They did the ablation on Monday which ended up taking about 3 hours because they had to do a few areas. His heart rate and rhythm immediately improved and they were planning to send him home on Wednesday. However, on Tuesday night the fibrillation came back and meds weren't helping.
They planned to do another procedure on Thursday, but while they were prepping him, his heart converted to a regular rhythm. After watching him for the day, he was sent home.
He's on several new meds which are supposed to help. He's very weak from spending a week in bed and is somewhat anxious about having the problem come back so I would really appreciate your continued prayers.
In other news, it's been crazy at work too. We have several cases of confirmed type A influenza there. This is the type of flu that is supposed to be prevented by the flu shot. The residents that got the flu have all had the shot. We now have the health department involved and apparently the state will now be reviewing each of our positive results along with the lot number of the flu shot we used.
As you can imagine, flu in a nursing home isn't a good situation. Our little, old people get quite sick. We are under quarantine and are trying to keep our residents in their rooms so it doesn't spread any further. We're wearing masks and going through lots of hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies.
So far the staff has remained healthy, hopefully we stay that way!
Continued prayers for your dad. What a stressful week. I pray that you will remain healthy. So sad for the residents to have the flu.
so glad that your dad got sprung! even tho' he is weak, i think a few days in his own environment will do him a world of good!!!
the flu is rearing it's head here too ... leo & i don't get the flu shots, so i try to wash my hands often when i'm out and about ... leo is pretty insulated here at home ...
blessings on ya!
I love this picture--it so captures the flu!
I'm sorry about the nursing home situation; it's got to be quite stressful and worrisome. I will lift you all up as well as your dad. I always felt dads weren't supposed to get sick, probably because mine rarely was until mom died.
Oh Mari, I pray you don't come down with that flu. I am also praying daily for your dear dad. I refuse to get a flu shot; I guess I'm just stubborn. TG won't do it either. Audrey had H1N1 two years ago and said she felt like she was going to die. I hope this wave of sickness blows over with minimal damage done. Stay warm and cozy! Keep plenty of chicken noodle soup on hand! It's cold out there!
Continuing to pray for your father. That is terrible about the flu!! Someone told me the other night that the flu shot that was given is not working on this stain. Father God I pray for Mari and the other staff as they deal and confront this situation with the flu. I pray for each and every precious person in that facility that is ill and ask for your miraculous healing touch. In Jesus name. Amen
Still praying for your dad.
The flu is horrible and I can't even imagine in a nursing home :( Pray that everyone feels much better soon.
Oh dear, I've been unwell with the flu since Christmas and it really isn't fun at all. I hope all your elderly folk get well soon and you don't get ill either!
We will continue to pray for your dad, bless him.
I pray that your dear dad will not have another episode. I'm glad he's home again.
Wow, bless those dear elderly people fighting the flu! Breaks my heart.
Please, Lord, keep Mari and the other workers from getting it!!
Oh dear...your poor father. I do know what he's been going through, what with the heart rate and meds not working. I did go through the same thing, and I DID get just wrung out with concern for myself, my welfare and health issues, to the point it wasn't doing any good to worry. Y'know? But, I feel for him. He'll pull out of this, I'm sure. The medical care is amazing these days!!! As for the flu situation in your nursing home...I do hope that gets better for everyone concerned as the days progress and there is no loss of life because of it...the aged can't fight as strongly.
Prayers for your dad, the 'family' in your home where you work, and for you to remain strong for all.
It has been a doozy of a week and its not over yet!!! Were still praying for your dad to get stronger and less anxious.
Praying for your Dad, that he has that special peace that passes all understanding.
Also praying for all in the nursing home including staff!
Mari, There are a lot of cases of the flu here as well. I've been trying to stay out of public places.
Glad to hear your Dad is home. Will continue to pray for him.
Hi Mari,
So sorry that our Dad has been so sick...I will be praying for him....and your protection as you work around all those germs.....
It's good to catch up with you...
I was just reading about your dad. My husband has dealt with A-Fib for the past 6 years and they did a maze ablation on him when they did his open-heart surgery. I wanted you to be aware that if he is on a medication called Amiodarone, to make sure he has his thyroid tested regularly. My husband was on this medication for quite some time and ended up with a thyroid filled with iodine and he became extremely ill to the point that he was told that he would have to have it surgically removed. Thank God that he was healed and that didn't happen. I don't want this to happen to anyone else out there and it was all because he should of had frequent thyroid checks on this specific medication and we didn't know. God bless your dad and my prayers are being said for him.
In Him,
Will keep up the prayers for your Father. So thankful he called the doctor in the first place. Please continue to keep us posted and I will keep up the prayers.
That is very scary about the flu outbreak in the nursing home...especially when they all were given the flu shot and then get sick with the flu they were supposedly vaccinated against! I hope you nurses and caregivers all stay well....and I pray your residents stay healthy too.
I have to tell you again how beautiful your grand daughter Alaina is...what a cutie!
Just know...If I stop in to your blog...I will always leave a comment. hugs to you and your family.
I'm so sorry I didn't know about your dad's heart problems! It's been hit and miss with keeping up with friends over the holidays. I'll certainly be praying for him now, though. I know how scary it can be for an older person, and having a peace of mind is half the battle. My dad is facing some scary things right now, too. It's tough to see the fear in them, isn't it? Glad you can be close by for him.
Stay healthy friend! Love the masks. :)
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