
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas review

Hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends over Christmas.  We had a great time with Andy home from Monday till Thursday.  Here's a few pictures from our family party.  Of course, Alaina was the center of attention.

 She had fun ripping paper

She enjoyed her new doll

Uncle Andy spoiled her with Butterscotch the pony.  This thing almost seems alive, it moves, whinnies and senses movement near it.  It turns it's head to look at you.  She liked it until it whinnied which scared her, but now she's getting used to it again and has been kissing it.

I had this cute owl hat made for her.

I always want some pictures in front of the tree.  Usually the kids give me a hard time but this year they cooperated.

But, Bob and I did a little goofing off!

Here's my kids: Aaron, Laura, Alaina, Heather and Andy.  What a great bunch!


Just Mom said...

Oh, I LOVE that pony!!!!

Merry Christmas, Mari. :-)

ancient one said...

You have a beautiful family..

Sandra said...

Seems like you had a wonderful time :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely family. It must have been much fun watching the little one enjoy Christmas this year.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, happy family photos. That pony is cute as can be and what a great hat for Alaina!

Sylvia said...

What a special Christmas with all the family together. Loved seeing the pictures.

Susan said...

Such a great family and of course Alaina is a doll. So glad Andy got to be home with you all this Christmas. Have a great New Year, Mari. I'm going to try and do better about reading blogs every day.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the fun photo of the two of you. It's always about having a good time with family! And your family portrait of your kids...yes, a GREAT bunch!!

And then, Alaina...what a doll she is. Glad to know she's making up to the pony.

As for your father's procedure [post below] I am ever so grateful to read that all is going well.

Unknown said...

That pony is something else. WOW! I am glad she is getting used to it again. I am glad you could all be together for Christmas. I could feel the love as I was looking at the pictures. Happy New Year Mari!

Beth said...

Great photos--all of them. I noticed the tiny pony/pig tails in Alaina's hair--cute!
Adorable owl hat and that horse--wow!
Mike and I should have acted silly in our pic; probably would have turned out better---looks like you two have a great time together.:>)
The last pic--priceless.

Jenny said...

They sure are a great bunch. Great Americans with great smiles and a great heritage. Happy New Year to you all!

LL Cool Joe said...

The owl hat looks very cute on her. My 14 year old would love the pony! :D

Looks like you all had fun. :)

Unknown said...

Awww, the one of you and Bob is so cute!!!

Betsy Brock said...

very cute pictures...but what I'm really smiling at are those iddy biddy pigtails! ha!

Pat said...

Those tiny pony tails stole the sweet! Her hair reminds me of my girls at that age, I just loved it!
Looks like another family gathering filled with love!

Connie said...

Beautiful family. (I see you never forget your camera.) lol

Jean said...

What a beautiful picture of your kids. And the goofy one of you and Bob is great! I LOVE Alaina's little pigtails in her hair!

Donna B. said...

Your little grand daughter Alaina is ADORABLE!! I loved the pic of her in her owl hat!!! said...

What joy to see you all together as a family. I have truly missed you, my friend. We need to plan a get together so that I can kiss Alaina's cheeks. She is getting to be such a big girl. What a beautiful family you all are.