How was your April Fools Day? Did you have any pranks played on you?
I don't like April Fool pranks that have a mean edge, but it can be fun and it's good to laugh at yourself occasionally, right?
I had to work on Sunday, so I wasn't really thinking about jokes.
I was walking through the Dining room, when one of the residents told me I had a hole in my pants. "What? These pants are quite new!" and I looked for this hole.
"April Fools!" she called out, then laughing said "I got you!"
This gave some of the other residents a laugh too, which made me laugh.
About an hour later, I answered the phone and found our Assistant Director of Nursing on the other line. She asked if I knew how to get a new patient entered into the computer. When I answered yes, she said "Oh good there's an admission coming this afternoon."
She then said she had set up some supplies to be coming in, as this person was in quite critical condition. She was 79 and had suffered a stroke. She had a feeding tube and a tracheotomy. She would also need frequent suctioning. Well - this was sounding like we were in for a day.
I told her I needed some information to get started on the computer work.
She then quietly said "April Fools!" This person was completely made up!
Aaagggh! She got me good!
Well, the other nurse I was working with and I decided she needed to be paid back for this. We knew if we called she would be really suspicious. We had the 3-11 nurse call her, when she arrived. We had her say that the state inspectors had just arrived for our annual survey. (We are due soon for this, and it's not something we ever look forward to)
The 3-11 nurse then informed her this was payback for her earlier joke.
We all had a good laugh at this. When I went home and told Bob about this, he got a lot of joy out of the fact that someone had tricked me, as I'm usually the one pulling pranks.
Hey girl, you celebrated April Fools day with gusto. Well done.
Sounds like a lot of fun.
LOL.....I like this post. It's always good to have fun...at home, at work. Well, you know.
My biggest April Fool was Irene. All along the OBGYN told me it was a boy [long before gender testing] and it was settled on a boy's name, lots of boy suff, and ---well, the rest is history.
Your Bob is like my Bud...he too would have been thrilled that "I had been had" on April Fools.
I'm glad you work in a place where people can mix fun in with work.:)
Ha ha they sound great. My 17 year old made up her face and it looked like she had a black eye, it was totally convincing even close up. She said she'd fainted and hit her face. We were both worried sick as she's also epilithic.
She cracked up.
Definitely a day to 'watch your back'! I love teasing and I don't wait for April Fool's Day to do it!
Very funny! I like a good laugh . These were fun and not mean spirited.
You're a prankster? See, I'm not a prankster. I have a very healthy sense of humor but I don't like it when it's at someone else's expense. The only time I can ever remember playing an April Fool's joke on anyone was back when Andrew was about three years old. Greg was the principal at a Christian school that was a ministry of our church. We went to the pastor on 4/1 and I said, "Guess what! We're going to have another baby! Number five!!!!" You should have seen his face. And then I said April Fool's and I could tell he didn't really like it that he'd believed me and I put one over on him. So that was the last time. Some days are so wild they feel like a bad joke anyway, so I figure why add to the chaos.
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