How many times have you seen an add for a product that sounded wonderful? Then you decided to try it, only to find you had wasted your money!
I'm going to do a few posts on products I've tried, and have continued to use, because they really do work!

If you have any stainless steel in your kitchen you really have to get this. It is truly one of my favorite cleaning products. It's Weiman Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish. It's available in wipes, cream and spray. I have only used the spray. It's so easy - spray it on and wipe it off. It leaves no streaks and makes the stainless steel shine!
I have Stainless Steel appliances, and this spray makes it easy to keep then looking good.

I bet most of you use the Magic Erasers already, but they are such a great product I had to include them. They are great for walls and floors, taking most any mark off!
What about you - do you have a favorite product? I'll do another post on this next Tuesday - join me if you like!
I will have to check these out.
Blessings, andrea
These are like blogger public service announcements...it's going to be so great!
There's nothing like a first hand recommondation --Thanks!
Magic Eraser is my FAVORITE!!! Glad you featured it...lots of people do not know about it. I'm forever doing demonstrations on my "white" kitchen counters...can you imagine "white" countertops for a "tea lady"? Magic Eraser ALWAYS saves the day!
I'll have to try that magic eraser.
Magic Eraser ROCKS!
magic erasers really do work. i always forget to buy them though.
I'll have to try your fridge polish next time I clean a stainless steel. When I was cleaning at a high end golf resort there were a lot of stainless steel appliances and I never could get them totally clean. I did the best I could but I really wanted to just smack my handprints all over the front of the fridge to let them know I was there and call it a day! It was annoying. so, I definitely will try this.
I'll have to think on some of the things I'm sold on and let you know.
Great idea for a post. We use the Weiman stainless steel wipes. LOVE them! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
I don't have any stainless steel so I will pass on this one, but looking forward to the rest of your products.
Magic Eraser is great!
Magic Eraser is used alot at my house.
i'm so glad to be done with my stainless appliances!! :) but i very much <3 the magic eraser. its been perfect on those walls in the house that we aren't going to paint.
Great advice. I personally could not live without Clorox Cleanup. It sparkles everything and smells so good!
I've been wanting a magic eraser for some time now. You're reminding me to go get one!
I love the Magic Eraser and always keep plenty of them in stock. They also work great in your car when you can't get those mystery marks off your glove box or panels on the side.
I will definitely have to try the Stainless steel cleaner because we have lots in our kitchen.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I brought a few magic erasers with me; glad I did because they don't have them here.
Well I don't have any stainless steel but I do love the magic erasers too!
Magic Erasers are THE BOMB!
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