Have you seen any of these art projects that are done by street artists? They come in and usually use sidewalk chalk to draw 3D pictures on the street or sidewalk.
They are amazing, and usually cover about 20-30 feet. The pictures below show paintings that cover the length of a street!
This one is called the Great Crevase. Together with five assistants, Mueller painted all day long from sunrise to sunset. It was painted on the East Pier in DunLaoghaire, Ireland.
This one is named Flash Flood. It was done in Saskatchewan, Canada.
I think this is my favorite. It's called Lava Burst and was done in Geldern, Germany. I can't believe the amount of detail in this and the way they parked the cars in just the right spot adds to the illusion. This one is also the longest one, you can see how it goes all the way down the street! Amazing!

I've seen some before, but never these. They are so cool. Can you imagine crossing that last street???? What a weird feeling that would be, altho you wouldn't have the illusion, I guess, when you're right on top of it.
Thanks for sharing!
SO amazing. I've just always found these incredible. I remember in the movie Mary Poppins, the guy drawing on the ground. Truly creative! I can't even imagine being able to do that. I've never seen the pictures of these where it's the whole street. Another art I find fascinating is sand art... where they do whole cities & such in sand! Simply amazing =)
Those are amazing! Someone has such a keen eye for 3-d. That's one thing that I have a tough time with.
Hubby always sends me these pictures when new ones come out. I'm always amazed by them. When they show them from an aerial view and they take up a city block...that's crazy, especially because they lose all their dimension.
That is totally amazing. What a talent.
(puts my stick-figure art to shame!) ;)
I know that I just would not be able to cross those streets! Ha! Ha! Amazing!
I've seen picture like these before. I would love to see them in real life
Amazing! I would so like to personally know someone who can do that. They must be amazing people.
Aren't these always so fabulous. This one really makes you feel like you'd fall into it!!!
Love it.
I passed on a challenge for you today. Hope you don't mind.
Here is the challenge.
Even though I know they are a drawing...I have to keep reminding my self! I can't imagine the talent it must take to complete these!
That is so completely amazing! What talent and such a fun way to express it!
Freaky cool!
I happened upon your blog and am so glad I did. I have enjoyed reading your past posts. I look forward to following your blog.
Those are amazing, I love the lava one. How does this guy do this? Wow!
I've seen this type of art, but not these particular pictures. They are just AMAZING!!!
Oh those are so flippin' cool.....I've seen some before, and these are just as awesome! I love it!
I've seen a few of these sorts of street art things before but I think these must be the most amazing ones I've seen !! I love that last one too !
Amazing! Thank you for sharing. How do they do that?
These are very neat looking.
Speaking of art shows, 2nd Ref. in Zeeland has a display going on right now in their church. All dipictions of the Prodigal Son. Open to the public. I enjoyed it on Sunday.
I love these things! I wonder if they are still there, and if my husband could find the one in Germany on his next trip.
AMAZING!!! Where do you find this stuff?!?! No, don't tell me....I don't need anything else to be a time suck. ;o)
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