I saw an idea list of things to pray about while driving, that I want to share with you. It uses road signs as reminders of things to talk to God about.

When you see these signs:
Curves ahead: Pray for trust in uncertain times
Road Closed Ahead: Ask God to close off things that are not in his will for you.
Merging traffic: Ask God to show you, who you should come alongside and help.
No Parking: Ask God to keep your faith from becoming stagnant. Pray for desire to spend time with him and for increased spiritual growth.
Divided road ahead (Y): Ask God for guidance in which direction He would like you to take in decisions that need to be made.
Men Working: Thank God for his continued work on and through us.
U-turn: Lord, when I get off track, turn me around and direct my return to You.
One Way: Thank God for providing, through Jesus, the one way to salvation.
Hey now I like that . . especially the last one. .one way to God through Jesus:)
What a great post Mari :)
Great idea for a post! I really like the U-Turn one. We all need redirection back to the right path sometimes.
VERY cool! Now, if I can just remember them...
I had a copy of this but, lost the paper it was on. Glad you posted it. It would make a fun game for kids and a way for them to talk to God as they travel.
So clever!!
smart! I like that MAri!
What a fab ulous idea. Thank you for sharing. Each of them is worthy of much prayer.
What a great idea! I like those!
What a great idea, Mari! I don't drive, as you know, but I look at the signs, so I can do it, as well!
As for your question in my blog, Ceres is a south-african brand of juices, a very good one. And I love the litchi juice. Litchi is a chinese fruit. Do you know it?
Very neat!
Another one I like is:
If someone comes to mind.
Pray for them!
That's great! Now everytime I see I road sign I'll be praying! I'm gonna be busy as I cart the kids around!
very cool. i've heard you're supposed to pray for patience at a red light - but i'm always afraid it'll make the light hold longer!
great idea!
I don't think that I will ever look at a traffic sign quite the same way again.! Great post!
What a good idea! Yes, there are some things I have overlooked. Thank you Maribeth, Kae
That is very neat. I will definitely be looking at road signs differently from now on.
Neat post, Mari.
I just did the alphabet meme. I did what someone else suggested and changed the 'z' to zoo animal.
Those are so neat and always helping us to be so aware of His presence.
preeeety cool stuff. great idea too!
What a great way to keep our focus on the things that matter while driving. We should come up with something for "stop" since that's the most frequently seen sign.
Oh that's good! Now I just have to print it off and tape it in my van so I remember! Thanks for posting those!
This was so cool. What a great post. I liked men working and Y turn.
Oh, all kinds of traffic signs, warning signs, the people look dazzling. But they are our life protection.
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Humor & Fun World
What a fun post! :)
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