"If you want to join in, you can and I would love it too, you can post a tip about anything, cooking, cleaning, homemaking, kids, marriage, travel....whatever you wish."
I have a tip that I have probably shared before, but it works out really well for our family, so I'm sharing it again. When I make a roast dinner, I buy a large enough roast to ensure that I have leftovers. I then shred the leftover roast and put it in a 9x9 pan. I pour some leftover gravy over it and then sprinkle on some seasoned salt. I put whatever leftover veggies we have on that, seal it tightly with foil and freeze it. When I am going to use it, I thaw it and put a package of Bob Evans ready made mashed potatoes over everything. I cook it at 350 degrees for about 30 - 40 minutes. It tastes really good and doesn't feel like you are eating leftovers, plus you have a quick meal when you need one!
Remember to visit Sandra to see what other tips she has!
Thanks for the tip. me unfortunaly tips are not my forte.
Oh that is such a good tip Mari, usually I will do just use the leftover roast for sandwiches and while that's good it does get boring after a while LOL
That is a great tip and one that I hadn't read on your posts before. Thanks for sharing.
I just signed up to follow your blog. Hopefully I won't miss any of your posts in future.
Hi there. Came by from linda's & just letting you know her Birthday is Wed. the 24th. Give her a friendship shout at how wonderful she is...
Good tip! I have a roast in the crock pot right now. Now I have a new idea for those left overs
Hey Mari, that's a great tip! thanks! Also I noticed Jen's button over on the side of your blog. I didn't think you could do that, but maybe I'll have to try add it!
I hadn't read that before - great idea.
That sounds like PERFECT Shephard's Pie! YUMMO!!!
I always have alot of roast left. Thanks for sharing this tip so I now how something to do with all of that yummy meat.
This sounds great! I'm going to try this next time we have roast. Thanks for sharing.
I would love to do this. I even have many to share. When I decided I would try blogging I thought that a Tip of the Day would be interesting. Thank you I can't wait to get started....k
I made a roast yesterday that I was planning on doing that with. Apparently, my family is eating more b/c there wasn't any roast left.
you know the most yummy sounding comfort foods! great idea.
Great tip! I love fall,my cooking makes some big changes at this time of the year.Take care,Patty
Great Tip and sounds easy too!
Great suggestion...I tend to buy a small roast since it's just the two of us, but next time...I'm going big!
Well, THAT'S got my mouth watering!
I always make extra and then we have roast beef sandwiches the next day, but this would be a nice change. Great tip, Mari!
~ Kayren
That sounds like a really good idea for leftover roast, something I will have to remember to try. Nice change for tuesdays I may join in on this one.
That sounds really good. Thanks for the tip!
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