Don't you love corn on the cob? My daughter Laura used to call it "cob off the corn" when she was quite young. I don't know where that came from but we thought it was pretty funny. I saw these interesting facts about corn on the cob in Real Simple Magazine:
- each ear has about 600 kernels, arranged in bands of 14 to 16
- one bushel of corn contains a total of about 90,000 kernels
- there is one strand of silk for each kernel (no wonder it's so hard to get it all off!)
1 Prepare your grill, gas or charcoal, with direct, high heat, about 550°F.
2 Remove just the visible silks from the tips of the corn. Place the corn in their husks on the hot grill. Cover. Turn the corn occasionally, until the husks are charred on all sides, about 15 to 20 minutes.
3 Remove corn from grill. Let sit for 5 minutes. Use a hand towel to protect your hands while removing the silks and charred husks from the corn.
Serve hot, with butter.
Hope you enjoy!
Oh, we love it grilled too. I've got to be checking out the Palmbos corn. It's the best!
Oh that picture looks so good. you can microwave corn also and it's so sweet. . .yummy, I love corn:)
I love it grilled, but I tried microwaving it last year and I absolutely love it! After soaking the corn (husk and all) in water you just wrap it in paper towels and microwave for about 5 minutes. It is excellent!
We LOVE to grill it. Sometimes we take the husks off, wrap it in aluminium foil with butter, salt, and garlic powder and then grill it. AMAZING.
I had no idea you could microwave it. I'll have to try that, too.
We love corn on the cob. The season is about over for it here. Last summer I froze a lot but this summer I didn't freeze any.
We love corn on the cob, but we don't do it much because there's always someone in braces that has to miss out, or we have to cut it off the cob with a knife, and then why not just open a can. We used to buy NJ sweet corn at the roadside stands all the time. I could eat it for dinner and nothing else. Your post made me very hungry tonight.
We've had plenty of it this summer, but not on the grill. The kids made some awesome baked potatoes on the grill. Now we will have to try the corn.
Jen used to call it cob a corn. We thought that was funny, too.
6 in the morning, but seeing the picture made me want corn!
I LOVE corn on the cob. The past two nights we've had some of the best corn every. Sweet and juicy mixed with salty butter...
Hmm Hmm good
Love corn on the cob grilled...and fresh tomatoes right off the vine - yum!!
We're having that for supper tonight too- yum!
I have actually had grilled corn like this and it is very good but hard to keep it warm for long.
We're having the fam over on Saturday for a pool party/bbq ... I'm going to fix this!! Thanks!!
Oh and I posted my Slow Cooking Thursday post...I was so inspired by you last week! :-)
I absolutely LOVE corn on the cob. It is one of my favorite foods and we only eat it when it is fresh from the field.
Thanks for the recipe for grilled corn. I love it cooked in a firepit or campfire also. You soak it in water to prevent the husks and silk from catching fire and then leave it in about 15 minutes. Mmm! Delicious.
Take care, my friend. I wish you a wonderful Friday.
We frequently heat our corn on the grill. We do it the way you listed except we soak it in a tub of water for about 10 min first. That way it sort of steams inside the husk. Yum!
Fresh corn on the cob was part of my first meal request when I returned home.
When I was a kid we used to have corn roasts where they would make the corn in the husks over an open fire. But I always liked it better made in boiling water.
I loved that post! I love corn! I wanted to invite you over to my blog...I'm starting a class on faux painting... So,get your brushes ready and get to class! Screaming Meme
Love me some corn, girl! You KNOW I'm eatin' it every day lately. I swear I start thinkin' my teeth have grown because with all the corn stuck in 'em they feel too big for my mouth! Got your package - too cute and sweet! Thanks for thinking of BOTH of my chiddren! hugs - M
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