It seems to me that people are using bad language more all the time. It bothers me to hear people swearing, and I thought this was an interesting little video about using God's name in vain. The message isn't really direct, but it makes an interesting point. Watch it and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Confused guy
It seems to me that people are using bad language more all the time. It bothers me to hear people swearing, and I thought this was an interesting little video about using God's name in vain. The message isn't really direct, but it makes an interesting point. Watch it and let me know what you think.
Oh how I dislike swearing also. Cute video, but Its message is weak.
Funny, I just shared this same type of message with my children recently. I yelled out their names too, to give them the same idea.
I too am greatly bothered by people swearing. It's so common today.
I liked this didn't hit you over the head with a sledge hammer, but you got the message. It probably could be a little stronger in content, but sometimes a softer word speaks more loudly.
Good point but the video is not that strong. Maybe should have used different situations. Like when someone is really angry. When I was in high school, my softball coach would not let us say God in vain or say the words "I can't" if we said any of this, we had to drop and do twenty push ups. I tell you what, that made people stop doing it and thinking about it more.
I like what shelly wrote. I think we are all to quick to not say or do anything. I said to Jeremiah's teacher just last thursday. You have my permission to put soap in his mouth (he didnt' take God's name in vain, but still, that would be eating the whole bar)! I have to admit I didn't understand the video at first then I got it!
I heard recently about a guy who did this in his work place ... except he used his co-workers wife's name ... Very effective.
I think I was just as confused as "Bill" for most of the video until the very end. I also agree that the message was good but not one of those that jumps out at you!
Funny you should post this this morning! I saw some blogs this morning from "Christian" bloggers that REALLY upset me. We are letting the world press us into its mold and it is all in the name of humor or art!
Because of the TV, most Christians say "OMG" and think nothing of it!
Thank you for posting this video and doing what you can to encourage people even Christians to not use God's name in vain. It truly blesses my heart to see Christians stand against the flow of the world. We are to be salt and light.
Have a great day! I understand that you have had warmer days than we.
True True True. I never really thought of it that way.
My boss constantly says J.C when he is frustrated and I haven't really known what to say so I've started saying,
"You know Him too?"
Ahhhh well, a step at a time huh?
I hate to hear it too and it just seems like second nature to so many people. I agree with Cheryl- I hate it when I hear Christians say "OMG"- I just don't understand why they think that's ok.
That is funny!
Very well said. I never thought about it like that!
That is an interesting take on that. I'm not sure it captures the severity of it but I enjoyed it none the less. I guess using God's name like that does call attention to us at our worst moments...although we are never out of sight.
It's not popping up!
Thanks for raising this issue. It's a gentle reminder.
How true - Swearing has always bothered me but especially now you see kids writing and saying omg all the time - it really annoys me!
that was most excellent ...
i've worked in places where folks use the "f bomb" ... but when they ask God to damn things - well it bothers me a whole lot more ... they really don't know what they are saying ... :o(
Great reminder. One of the things I dislike more than others is taking God's name in vain. It's in the Ten Commandments after all. It's not a light issue with Him. I get passionate about many things, and this is at the top. I remind my kids over and over about the praise that He deserves. They've been good witnesses to their friends (both in the faith and out) about the value of respecting God's name. Thanks for the video.
i'm a little slow. i got it the second time around.
just today i saw a commercial for a local detroit radio station and they used God's name in vain in the commercial. i was really shocked to hear it in a commercial. it makes me sick.
Revelation 19:12 states:
His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.
isn't that interesting that there is a name for God that no man will be able to defile!
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