Here's something fun I found, just in case any of you want to change your name! Some of these could work - most are a little out there!
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
Poncho Ford Windstar
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Chocolate Chocolate chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Green Cat
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, hospital where you were born)
Beth St Mary
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Blue Diet Coke
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Peter John
9.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
Francess Milton
10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Fyneweaver France
11. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Spring Hydrangea
12. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Strawberry Jeansie
13. HIPPIE NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Granola Beech
14. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Scrapbooking Thunder Tour
That is too funny, I love the Scrap booking Thunder Tour!!! Great:)
I don't know. . . I think Mari is the best ! LOL!
I love it! Too funny.
it's a bird, it's a plane, it's the blue diet coke ...
hmmm ... needs a bit of work, i think !
c'mon Mari....France is a country, not a city! :) I love the names though. But I agree with Cheryl, I like Mari best :)
I was gonna say the same thing as melissa but she beat me to it.
That is lots of fun! I have seen that before on Amy's blog. Love it.
I was also going to say the same thing as Melissa and Andy but they both beat me - France is a country. :) But I bet it's hard to think of a city that starts with F.
Those were really funny though - I might have to try it!
What a fun post!
That is so cute and it is weird how well it works.
Cute - but weren't you born at Blodgett? I was. Sad how everyone is picking you apart, isn't it!
those are funny.
I like your hippie name! How funny was that you ate granola! Granola Beech! ha.
That was fun---I'll have to try that too. That might be fun to do with my oldest.
Too funny! Personally...the "blue diet coke" super hero name was the best!
I love these! Very funny! Now I'm going to do my own.haha See-ya soon,Patty
How funny, such a versitile utility. I'll have to figure these out for myself. -.-
I like Fyneweaver France for the newscaster- very funny!
hahahahhaahaha I LOVE it!!!! So funny so funny! Oh I just love laughing ... does that count for my sit-ups for the day? It just gave me a good work out!
This was pretty fun, who knew it was this simple to be that creative with names. If only deciding on a baby name was that easy! :)
So fun!! I was doing mine in my head while I read yours- too funny!!
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