When I think of what Christ sacrificed for my salvation, I usually think of his death. At our annual work Christmas party this week, my administrator did devotions and talked about something I haven't really focused on. Did you ever think about the fact that Christ could have come at any time but chose to come a little over 2000 years ago? It is something I have taken for granted, knowing he was born when he was. But - he came at a time with no electricity, no running water or indoor bathrooms! He started his human life in a lowly manger. He came as a vulnerable, human baby. He was born to parents who were neither wealthy or famous. He lived at a time when most travel was done on foot over dusty trails. There was no air conditioned car for him to ride in. He did not have the luxury of making a run to the store for fresh food, or to a restaurant when he was hungry. There were no refrigerators to keep food cold or ovens to cook in. When you think about the fact that he left heaven for this, it amazes me! Then, after spending 33 years here, he died for me! What an amazing God we have. What an amazing love he showed!
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests"
Luke 2:14
Good lesson to be learned when we think we have it rough! Jesus went through much worse than we can imagine! Thanks for sharing Mari,I needed that:)
This is a GREAT post! Thank you! I never thought of it like that before.
You know, I got to thinking a lot about how hard it must have been for Mary to watch her Son go through everything he did. WHen my baby was in the NICU for 7 weeks and had to be a human pin cushion, I kept thinking about what Jesus had to go through and how Mary had to witness it. Put a new perspective on it for me.
Thanks for sharing this...
That was a wonderful post Mari, I sometimes think we have it bad but that makes life so much more valuable when you think of the sacrifice He made for us.
Amen to that! What a great way to look at it and a great reminder for us! I'm so thankful that He was willing to do what He did for us - my mind can't even comprehend what He must have felt!!
On my way to work this morning my prayer was to be more aware of the sacrafice of Chirst.
Josh and Caleb watched The Nativety the other night at youth group. Caleb had several questions about the birth of Chirst. I think I am going to rent the movie this weekend and watch with them again.
That is such an awesome thing to think about. It really is amazing. If I could just remember that all the time, it would be a lot harder to complain!
Oh, Mari, thank you for sharing that! That is an amazing love, isn't it? I've never thought about the timing of His coming before.
Merry Christmas....
Love and blessings,
In Him,
You're right, we do think of the sacrifice of His life, but to leave heaven, which was perfect and come down to sinful earth, what love!
that's awesome - I always think of how horrible it would be to live in a time where there was no bathroom - I always thought I would have looked very cute in a hoop skirt but not with no ac in the south!
I had never thought about that either before...that He was born in a time where there were really no luxuries to speak of at all.
So what does it say about me? He knew that I am such a wimp, that I needed to be alive when there were SuperWalmarts around!
Just another reason to cry out to my God, yet again in gratefulness!
Blessings, Joanne
I hadn't ever thought of that before either.
Amazing Love- Amazing Savior!
You are right Mari we don't often think of his sacrifice during this time of year...but we should. Thank you for the reminder! Thank you Jesus!
I was just riding in my car thinking about the stable...not a place I'd want to give birth.
God's plan is beyond our comprehension.
It never ceases to amaze me the grace in which we have been saved...thanks for the reminder.
What a great post Mari ... really gives me something to think about. Sacrifice ... what a huge word ! I guess it's easy to just say it sometimes ..."Jesus sacrificed so much for us ..." without really considering the full depth of it's meaning !
I love this post Mari, I always have to remind myself that no matter how bad I think I have it at times, Jesus went through so much worse for me.
Huge hugs,
Amazing when you think about it, isn't it? Jesus certainly had no modern conveniences and lived his life on earth when things were very difficult. Praise His Holy Name!!!
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