
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Tour of Homes

Welcome to the Christmas Tour of Homes, sponsored by BooMama. She asked us to share pictures of our Christmas decorations and to share a favorite Christmas recipe. There will be bloggers from all over doing this, and I thought it would be fun! So - welcome to our home. Hope you enjoy your tour!
We have two little, lighted trees that are on either side of our font door.

Here is the wreath I made, hanging on the door into the garage.
If you come in through our back door you will find this little snowman here to welcome you. He is sitting in an old milk can. The can came from the dairy farm I grew up on.

Before you begin walking through the house, grab a handful of this Christmas mix. I got the recipe from a co-worker quite a few years ago and it is a favorite. Here's the recipe:

Christmas Mix

3 cups cheerios
2 cups corn chex
3 cups rice chex
2 cups pretzels
1/2 pound M & M's
1 pound white chocolate

Stir together dry ingredients. Melt white chocolate and pour over cereal mix. Stir together and pour out onto waxed paper. Let cool and break apart.

In the living room, you will find our Christmas tree.

I found this card holder on my trip to Traverse City. If you looked closely you would see that there are even a few cards from some of my blogging friends!

I love snowmen. Here is a little group of them, standing on my piano. These were painted and given to me by my sister, Terri.

Here are the stockings, hanging in the living room. There is one for each of the kids. The dark ones are a deep red color.

This is one of my favorite Santa's that Bob has carved for me. He often does the old fashioned skinny Santa's, but this short, round one is pretty cute!

I love stained glass angels and have collected quite a few over the years. Every Christmas these sit on our entertainment center.

This is one of my favorite decorations. It is a Nativity set that Laura started making when she was about 15. She added a few animals each year to complete it. There are the wise men and their camels, shepherds and sheep, an angel, donkey, cows and even chickens. I love it because Laura made it and also because it is a reminder of what Christmas is really about.

Thanks for visiting me. Now stop over at BooMama's place and check out some of the other homes on tour!

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Perri said...

Quite the festive home. I love the carved Santa and the nativity scene.

Anonymous said...

I loved the tour,Mari. You have some really cool collections. And a very talented carver husband.See-ya soon,Patty.

Megan Cobb said...

Such talent in your family! Now, if the wreath you made is on the door into the garage, what's on the front door?

Laura said...

Wow! You did such a nice job with that post! The recipe and everything. It was fun to see it all. And I do love all those decorations too. It reminds me of my childhood setting out some of those things! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the short round Santa! He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me in your home. What a treat to be able to visit like that!

I love to see your husband's carving----I like the short fat Santa too. :)

The wreath brings fond memories of that post as I am sure it does with the time you spent with friends (and sisters) making that.

I love the Nativity your daughter made. What a great idea!

Milk farm? Who knew.....

Unknown said...

Very nice Mari, thanks for the chex mix too, it was good...

KC said...

WOW your home is lovly.. thank you for letting us tour it. I love your tree and snowmen.

Anonymous said...

What very precious Nativity set. I love that. It is surely a treasure.

Miss Patti said...

Your christmas mix really does sound good and look good

Quirky said...

What a beautiful home you have! I must get a card holder like you have...what a great idea! Thanks for the tour!

Hootin Anni said...

I love it, I love it all!!!

I have a slide show for my tour.
I hope you can get connected to view with me, if not, I have a few thumbnail images on my regular blog too.---

My Slide Show Tour

Jenni said...

You have a lovely decorated home! The carved santa is adorable! TFS!

Terri said...

Love it. I forgot to stop by Friday but I guess I'll be seeing it on Christmas now!!

Chad and Tammy said...

Your home looks beautiful!!

ellen b. said...

Thanks for the tour. I love snowmen too! Blessings...

Cheryl said...

Beautiful home. The carved Santa is terrific. Thanks for inviting me over. Merry Christmas!

Southern Heart said...

SO pretty...everything looks beautiful and festive! I love the carved Santa...very special!

merry Christmas,


Jessica said...

My fav was the carved santa!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Mari. I love your card holder and snowmen. Are you sure all the presents are under the tree? It seemed like you had way more packages from your shopping trip.

Anonymous said...

I love that christmas mix, it is so good. Thanks for the tour, your home is very lovely.Merry Chrismas Bruins family =)

T♥RI said...

Your house looks really cool! Thanks for saying happy birthday!

Rmomof3 said...

I love that Santa too! What a cutie! I have your Christmas card to send - I just haven't gotten ANY of them out yet! How sad is that!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I especially like your red door! :)

Bonnie said...

I loved this Mari !!! So much fun touring your house !! The Santa that Bob carved it adorable ! I love how you can only see his feet poking out at the bottom of his beard !! And the Nativity that Laura made. That would so be a favorite of mine too !!!

-- Grabbin' some of that Christmas Mix on my way out too !!! :) --

Rebekah said...

The card holder is adorable. The Nativety scene... what a precious gift, both in the manger and from Laura

Renee said...

This was fun! I loved seeing your home, and all the decorations and things that are special to you.

I really like your card holder, and your home is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I love your tree!!! its so pretty! love your entire house and decorations.

Nise' said...

Thank you for the wonderful tour. Your carved Santa is adorable. I made the chex mix for my "guests" as well!

I love "meeting" fellow Michigan bloggers.

Dena said...

What a beautiful home! I love the way a CHRISTmas house looks! I've got all my pictures ready! I see a VERY cute card!

LeslieW. said...

Everything looks so beautiful! I especially like the fat Santa and the nativity set. Merry Christmas!

Kim said...

Everything is lovely! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Your tree is gorgeous and I love your collections.

Cherdecor said...

The wreath you made for the garage door is so pretty on that red door. I love your Christmas tree and I wish I had some of that Christmas mix right now! It sounds YUMMY! Thank you for inviting us into your home to see your beautiful decorations.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so pretty and so nice that a lot of the things were made by you or your family!