I am a big fan of those 3D pictures. I love to look at what looks like a jumbled mess and find the hidden picture inside. I found a site on the internet that lets you make your own 3D picture. Keep in mind that I am not an artist and when you have to use a mouse to draw with it gets worse! However, I did try and here is my result. See if you can figure out what this is.
OK is it Hi! Then smiley face, then a heart????
Mari, I can't see these things for the life of me... It looks like blue & green blobs. I give up what is it????
I have never been able to do these things.
Apparently we're not completely clones of each other after all!
I've been trying and trying and trying - I used to be able to do these things. But the stupid air conditioning is blowing right on my contacts, so when I try to stare at it it all just goes blurry. Maybe I'll try again later...
i got it! i'm proud of myself... i love these things! :)
Julie got it right. On the top it says Hi!, under that is a smiley face and on the bottom is a heart. In the bottom right corner it says view original and if you click on it, you will see what it looks like, minus the green and blue blobs.
I just wandered over here from Rocks in my dryer for the Works for me Wednesday, and I love the 3-d thing. No, I can't tell what it is, but I'm going to show my son this site, he'll get a kick out of making his own.
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