
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weekend Report

There's been a lot going on around my house.  Here's a few pictures of what we were up to in the last few days.

We have a large room in our basement that is used for storage.  It's been collecting all sorts of things, so Bob and I started cleaning it out.  All these shelves were filled when we started.  We were brutal with ourselves on what we really needed to keep.  Lots of stuff has been thrown, lots was donated to the charity store in town.  We're not done in that room, but have accomplished a lot!

You may remember us working on a spare room in our basement, that had an egress window installed late last summer.  Bob made a headboard for the bed, the room has been painted, new linens have arrived, and last week we finally got the new curtains and put them up.  It feels good to have that done.

On Friday, I had lunch with these ladies I used to work with at the skilled nursing facility.  3 of them are nurses that I worked with frequently and it was very good to see them again!

When I came home, I did some work in the house, taking down the winter decor and putting out some Spring things.  Tulips are always a spot of cheer!

Bob's been hard at work in his shop.  He's building new kitchen cabinets for Heather and Andrew.  They came over Friday night to check the progress.  These are for phase one, the upper cabinets over their sink.  Once they are installed, he'll start on the lower cabinets.

Here's Connor, looking cute even with a little scrape on his nose!

Last, but not least - it's starting to look like Spring!  The snow is nearly melted and the sky was blue! It was still only 31 degrees, but the sun was shining.  Beautiful!  And this week we are supposed to reach the upper 50's!  
God's given us lots of things to be thankful for.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh my, Conner is so cute. Does he have a red boo boo on his nose?
Wow, how talented Bob is. Love the headboard and those kitchen cabinets are nice as well. I hope you take a photo when they’re all done and installed.
Nice you’re still keeping up with your work friends.
We need to pick a couple of days to clean out our garage before the door is installed.

Chatty Crone said...

You sure do have a nice basement, and it is so orderly and neat. It feels good to clean things out - doesn't it?
And your husband made the headboard for the bed - I realize now he must be some kind of wood worker - the room looks nice.
And cabinets for your daughter - that is AWESOME.
And last but not least Conner - he has grown up so fast. So cute even with his booboo!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! I love what you have been doing in your basement. It looks so neat and organized. You inspire me to do much the same in our basement storage room. I also love what you have done in your basement bedroom. Looks great! Bob is so talented with woodworking. So glad you had some time with friends and family over the weekend. I hope the coming week is a good one for you!

Mandy said...

Y’all are certainly getting everything ship shape! The bedroom turned out so good! I like your taste in bedding! The cabinets look amazing as well! Bob is so talented! Love seeing little Conner. And yay for getting together with old coworkers! Looks like a very productive weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Bob is such a talented carpenter. I love the tulips! And the spare room is lovely, great for either male or female visitors.

roentare said...

Snow melted and the spring is soon starting. The kid looks so cute

Linda said...

Connor is just plum adorable...and I am jealous that Heather is getting cabinets from her dad (smiles). Wishing you a lovely day, Mari. smiles

Prims By The Water said...

You have been a busy beaver once again. I simply love your new bedroom look. Would never have thought this was a basement one as it looks so light and airy in there. Bob's cabinet making is top notch. They are looking so awesome. Seems like everyone in blogland is purging. Good on you for tackling this. Spring is around the corner and I need to find my tulips. Janice

Judy said...

Conner is such a cutie pie :) Your spare room is beautiful! That has been our goal this winter, to clean out our basement area that we store items...Ugh! We really need to get that done and hopefully before sugaring is over, we can fit it in and get it done. Heather and Andrew will love their new cabinets.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am trying hard not to cover thy cabinets.. ours were installed in 1989 and they are e pressed sawdust, we know this because the edges that have gotten wet are falling apart under the kitchen sink.... also stains inside the doors that do not come off. our house needs an entire update, every room and ceiling and floor. rooms were last painted, 25 years ago, carpet 25 years old.
Sweet Conner, hope he did not take a fall to get the little spot on his nose.. maybe a finger nail scratch is my guess.
I would like to have lunch with a few that I worked with and have not seen since 2006

R's Rue said...

This post is just pure joy.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Yay for sunshine, Spring cleaning, and finished rooms!! I love that you still get together with your former colleagues. You build such strong relationships depending on one another in the "trenches" so to speak. :) And wow is Bob a powerhouse!! That's awesome. He could make some side money in his retirement pumping out furniture. Lol Blessings and enjoy the sunshine! xoxo

Lowcarb team member said...

You have been busy and it's looking good :)
That photograph of Connor is adorable.

May the week ahead be a good one.

All the best Jan

photowannabe said...

First off I just have to say that Conner is adorable. I think he is more cute with that little boo boo on his nose.
Oh boy those cabinets are awesome. How special to have them made by Dad for his kids..and the guest room in the basement sure doesn't look like a basement room. Beautiful coloring and so inviting.
Wow on the purging..Its a job that we need to do more of..its so hard to bite the bullet and do...

Shug said...

The photo of Connor made me smile...he is a cutie and reminds me of our little one. have been busy and everything looks so good around your place. Love the headboard..looks great and with the curtains and the new linings...they just make the room pop. Glad you are getting some somewhat warmer weather... I did the empty the house thing a few months ago and sure made me feel wonderful. Enjoy this gorgeous day...

Dianna said...

Good for you and Bob for getting so much accomplished. Everything in the storage room looks so neat and tidy.
The spare bedroom looks SO good! Love it that Bob made the headboard.
Thank you for the cute picture of little Sweetie Pie. He is so adorable...just like his sister.
Isn't it exciting to see sun shining in the sky rather than rain or snow falling from the sky?

Barbara said...

I've had storage areas in two of my houses in the past with shelves strongly resembling what your husband made for you. All that organization is a beautiful sight. No basement or real attic in this house and closets are FULL.

Your spare bedroom is beautiful. You are so blessed to have a husband who is handy with hammer and nail.

HappyK said...

Great job on getting the shelves cleaned up. Now you have room for more. :)
The spare room looks lovely and all ready for guests.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, Connor looks like he is a "real boy", already with a skint nose! So cute! He looks like he's going to be rough and ready!! What fun. Your husband is quite the talented woodworker! Beautiful headboard and those cabinets look very professional indeed! Is that just a hobby, or did he do carpentry for a living? He's very talented. Love the nice neat shelves in your storage area. That's always a challenge to get rid of stuff and clean out things we just really don't use/need anymore. I know we need to do a major overhaul, but where to begin? You've made a good start. I should take some inspiration from you and JUST DO IT! How nice you could meet up with your former co-workers for lunch. That is always fun.
Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Michelle said...

Connor is a cutie! I like your new bedroom. It is a good feeling to get things clean up and organized!

Terri D said...

Connor's personality just oozes out of that sweet face (scraped nose and all!)!! The kitchen cupboards for the kids look great!! I seem to remember that you have Britbox?? If you haven't found it already, look for a show called The Repair Shop. I think you and Bob would love it as much as I do. Your new guest room looks very comfortable and good for you getting some purging done!! It really does feel good. I have three more bags to donate this week.

Miss Merry said...

Conner is such a cutie pie!!! And your basement bedroom is just beautiful. What a busy time at your house!

Jeanette said...

It's been sunshiny and in the 50's the last few days here and I am loving it! Conner is so cute and looks a lot like his big sister!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, Bob is such a handy guy. The cabinets he is building look great.
Love the picture of Connor, and also your little sign that says your house is built on love and shenanigans, LOL.

Jean said...

Wow! That is an accomplishment in that storage room! Dick was doing some of that in his shed on Saturday. And I really love your guest room! And of course that adorable baby boy!!

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm a fan of the brutal approach. Excellent job. Love that he built the cupboards. What a great space to wood work. That is what I would love when we move. My own wood room. Ahhh, but to dream.