It's been a long winter for us, seems like a week doesn't go by that we don't have winter storm warnings. Some are blown out of proportion, but then sometimes they turn out worse than expected.
Here's a cute meme I've been seeing from friends.
There are things to enjoy about winter though. It can be so beautiful! And then there are fun things like sledding and snowmen.
When we dropped the girls off on Saturday, they wanted us to see their snowmen.
Near their house is this house which builds a huge snowman every winter. The sign next to him says "Receive Jesus and have eternal life".
Those things make me smile in the middle of winter!
On another note, I'll be missing from your blogs today, as I have to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy Tuesday morning. Nothing serious, just a check but it will probably have me away from my computer for most of the day.
Hi Mari. It will be good to get that colonoscopy over and done with! I love these cute snowmen. The big one has a great message for everyone who sees him! God bless that everything goes smoothly on Tuesday!
How right you are Mari,
we must look for the good even in the difficult ones!!
How beautiful to make a snowman in the snow!!
Have a nice day!
The huge snowman is so impressive, and a good way to get attention to what you want to say. The girls have a lot of creativity with their snowmen. Let us know your test results. I feel for you, the colonoscopy prep is so awful!
That snowman is just so gorgeous.
Hope your colonoscopy goes well .
The girls family snowmen is very funny.
The big one must have taken time to build it! I have heard on tv that you will have very cold temperatures and heavy snow. Stay warm inside. Hope everything goes well for you.
You brought back a memory. In the winter of 1957/1958 we had a snowstorm in Michigan City Indiana and got about 3 ft overnight with drifts higher than that. School was closed, in my memory) for 2 weeks. Adults probably didn't like this but I was a little girl and I was in heaven. I remember after the snow plows went through on some of the roads the snow was up as high as the telephone poles were high. And I remember one day daddy hooking our sleds behind his truck and driving us down the road and what a fun memory that is.
Now that I'm older I just stay in when it snows. Looking out the window it's beautiful but getting out in it is not my idea of fun anymore. I hope yours melts quickly and you can go back to looking forward to Spring and the tulips popping up out of the ground .
my first ever viewing of a pregnant snow person, ha ha and prayers for great results from your test today..
Keeping you in prayer, Mari.
Snowmen= fun
Colonoscopy/Endoscopy=not so fun. I know you will be glad when they are done. Hope all goes well and you are back to blogging soon.
I love snowmen. They are fun. Hope Tuesday goes well for you and your home back in action in no time.
Such cute little snowmen and women! A baby snowman would be precious! I hope everything goes well with your tests and you are feeling good as new tomorrow!
Loved the girls' thinking about the snow family. I'll look forward to seeing the snow baby. :)
Praying for you today, my friend. xx
Uh Oh, you are probably doing your colonoscopy now as we speak, or it may be over and you are recovering. Either way, the worst part is already over (the prep), so it should be smooth sailing from here. No fun either way. I love the snowmen, and the girl's pregnant snowwoman is so funny! Amazing what kids will come up with these days. LOL. I didn't even now what that word was when I was their age! LOL. Fun fun fun.
Hopefully you had a 'blissful' sleep for a few minutes, and you test went well.
The girl's snowman was so cute. I do have to say though, that is a lot of snow!
Loe the snowpeople, especially the pregnant one! I hope all goes well with your procedures,
Well today is Tuesday and I am praying for you and the tests. Praying for a quick and complete recovery.
Love the snowy photos and that meme is a hoot.
I think that snow forecast sounds totally plausible. 😃 Ha ha. I haven't lived there in years, but I remember the mountains of snow piled up everywhere, by the road, on the shore of the beach, in the schoolyard.
Hoping your tests went well. I agree with your forecast. That seems to be what they say around here, too. Adorable snowpeople.
Praying that all goes very well with your test. My husband says that is the best sleep ever. Can you believe the weather this year? We have freezing temps for the next 3 days. I think that is the biggest snowman I have ever seen. Keep us updated on your test please.
Winter can feel endless, but little joys like snowmen and beautiful snowy landscapes make it special! Love the idea of a growing snow family—can’t wait to see the baby snowperson next time. Hope your procedure goes smoothly and you get some well-deserved rest!
New post:
That is a great meme and so true. Love the snowmen! Janice
Nice to see the snowmen. It has been a snowy winter.
Hope all went well with the procedure!
Praying all is well, Mari! Cute memes about the snow! Hugs! xo
Gosh, that looks cold. You're tougher than me.
Hope the exams went well and there's no problems. ❣️
The snow couple is adorable! Hope your tests went well! Hugs!
What creative girls. I've never seen a pregnant snow(wo)man before, and not that I wish you more snow, but I'm looking forward to seeing the baby.
I cracked up at those snow people and the coming snowbaby, hahaha!
You know how i appreciate this as a fellow northerner. ;) I sure hope your procedures went well! 🙏🏻
We rarely get snow, but we did twice this year. Not nearly enough for a large snowman. Ours are usually about 1 1/2 ft tall. Have a nice evening. Take care.
Ruby and Alaina's snow people are great. Can't wait to see if the baby is pink or blue, and what they name it, hahaha! To me, aside from the beauty of the snow, the best part is how thrilling it is to children. But I know you'll be glad to see the end of it this year! xoxo
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