I think that if I'm feeling old, I should share with you so you can feel it with me!
- Snoopy is 75 this year.
- Bonanza premiered 65 years ago.
- The Beatles split 55 years ago.
- Laugh-In premiered 56 years ago.
- The Wizard of Oz is 85 years old.
- Elvis died 47 years ago and would be 89 today.
- The Thriller video is 41 years old.
- John Lennon has been dead for 44 years.
- Mickey Mantle retired 56 years ago.
- Back to the Future is 40 years old.
- Saturday Night Fever is 47 years old.
- The Ed Sullivan Show ended 52 years ago.
- The Brady Bunch premiered 55 years ago.
- The Triplets on My Three Sons are 55 years old.
- Tabitha from Bewitched is 60 years old.
- The Corvette turned 71 this year.
- The Mustang is 60.
Can you believe this? And now, do you feel old too?
Oh my. When you see it all written down like that, yeah I feel old. The most shocking was the Beatles spilt up 55 years ago.
I must be 100. I remember the day Elvis died. I was home on maternity leave. The triplets on My Three Sons - are you kidding me???? Lordy
That does make me feel old!
Hi Mari. Interesting post. Now I'm feeling pretty old too!
I am definitely old. I saw Elvis perform on TV on the Ed Sullivan show, they only showed Elvis above the waist because of his scandalous hip gyrations.
Oh my gosh!! I owned a Mustang way back in the day. the Beatles & John Lennon are the most significant to me, because it seems like it was just maybe 20 years ago!
Thanks for the reminder lol
Yep and I am older that most of those you wrote about. UGH Janice
Yes I feel old too! Health problems … and our daughter being 40 in a few days! ( and next year 70!)
Gosh, I'm old. smiles
HA HA...I felt old before I read this list...now I feel ancient. lol Truth be told; I'll be a year older than Snoopy this year!
The Thriller and Back to the Future facts did it for me! Ugh! It can’t be 40 years ago! 🫣
The Mustang is 60? Oh my good Lord...
I'm feeling my 73 years...
yes, I feel old and am old and anyone who recognizes all these things IS old.. ha ha.... in fact most of the movie stars I can name are dead and gone or in their 80's and 90's.
Ahh, I think we're all aching here lately. I'm so sorry it's hitting you too. I've felt run down since my ambulance ride on May 8th 2024 and that awful psychotic drug forced on me. Just can't seem to get my Mo Jo back. Sending prayers. 💓
I do!!! Thanks for that!!
The Wizard of Oz ....85 years? oh goodness. I loved watching this as a kid. Now, I'm feeling achy and Old. Thanks for sharing this interesting list...I'm going to show it to my kids.
Tabitha is HOW OLD!!!! Why did that one hurt the most? LOL Yes, those lists usually just put me in denial. 1995 was yesterday!!
Oh Yes !!! I feel every one of those pains.
That sure is my era. How can those things be that old? Elvis died 47 years ago, the Brady Bunch??? The Mustang???
Got to get my cane out....
Of course..how did I get to be 81? Wasn't I just middle age? Yes I am as old as Dirt !
I remember listening to that Thriller album over and over again, after my mom drove me to the mall to get it! It doesn't seem that long ago, but apparently, it was!!
Yes I'm old! Everything seems to have rushed along in my last 10 years !
And I remember all these things, so I guess I am just as old. I will reach the 3/4 century mark this year, so yes, I'm getting old for sure. Thanks for the reminder. LOL. My body already tells me every day. Now my mind does too. I can't win. LOL.
Wow amazing how long ago these events occurred and I remember them!!!
Thanks a lot sweetie, I felt much younger before I read this, LOL
Goodness me!
It's quite frightening how the years fly by.
Take hold of each moment, and be thankful :)
All the best Jan
The years tick by so fast it seems unreal at times.
I have exercised as much this winter because of the weather but that is an excuse for sure. It always makes me feel better to get a nice long walk in and some chair yoga.
Because I lived without a TV until 1989, a lot of these things passed me by. I do remember liking a few Beatles songs on the radio as a teenager. And Dick's first car was a ' 65 Mustang, which we kept until we had two children and it became too inconvenient since it was a two-door. But yes, it truly is amazing that so many things are SO LONG AGO!!
I'm sorry that you're feeling old. The list was fun to read. Here's to doing something fun !
I am right there with ya! I am now "the older person" in every situation.
Wowzers! Thanks Lady - misery loves company, huh? Lol This made me feel incredibly old! Doesn't it feel like the 80's was only 10 years ago? 😂 How does this happen?
Incredible. I remember vividly the night that John Lennon died. I was decorating our Christmas tree; Stephanie was three months old and sitting in her little seat on the floor. The news came over the radio. Yes I feel old; coming up on 68! But I am grateful for every year God gives and I know you are too! xoxo
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