
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pressed flower jars

Last weekend when Alaina and Ruby came over, we decorated jars with pressed flowers.  We used ours as candle holders, but depending on the shape of the jar, you could use them to store things in, as a vase, or whatever else you think of.
To make these you need clean jars, Mod podge, pressed flowers, or even stickers and wide paint brushes.  We used the cheap, foam type.

Here's the pressed flowers.  I got them on Amazon for a surprisingly low cost.

You brush Mod Podge on a small section of the glass, then press flowers down where you want them.

Then you move to the next section, and do it again.  The Mod Podge dries pretty quickly so you can only do a small area at a time.

Here's one with all the flower on it.   Once you've got all your flowers placed, you brush another layer of Mod Podge over the whole thing to seal it.

Here's Alaina's, mine and Ruby's all done and drying.

When they were dry, we tied twine around the top and then put battery operated candles in them.  The Mod Podge dries clear but gives the glass a wavy appearance.

The girls, with the finished product!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I love these little jars! So cute. Thanks for sharing another fun craft!

Chatty Crone said...

I am so incredibly happy to read this post. I do a craft with the girls in our church group one to two times a year. This is perfect. So you get those flowers from Amazon (who else - lol) and you use simple Mod Podge? I guess just on a small area of the jar where the flower will go - or the jar would get cloudy. THANK YOU!

Connie said...

The only thing prettier than those jars are the two girls that made them :)

Mandy said...

So very cute! I love using Mod Podge! That stuff is so good for lots of things.

Mari said...

Chatty Crone - you put Mod Podge over the whole jar, just do a section at a time as you press down the flowers. It dries clear, but a little wavy, kind of like old glass.

Veronica Lee said...

What a lovely project!
Your pressed flower jars are beautiful, and using them as candle holders is a great idea.
The wavy effect from the Mod Podge adds a nice touch.

Kim said...

Oh, I love these!! They look perfectly charming with the candles inside. I’ve never used pressed flowers. I think this craft might be next on my list! Thanks for the inspiration.

Dianna said...

VERY nice! I had no idea one could purchase pressed flowers on Amazon! What a beautiful craft!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a lovely idea! And such a nice keepsake for each of the girls (and you!). That, plus the time spent with you is best of all, and vice versa for you spending time with your dear granddaughters. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Happy@Home said...

What a great idea with a pretty outcome. I especially like the last photo.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I've always wanted to try this - one of these day. Such sweet girls and such a lovely project. They turned out so pretty! I love flowers and next best is the beauty of dried ones like this 💗

Prims By The Water said...

What a fun and easy craft. They look so pretty lit. I actually purchased vases similar to these with just leaves for the gift shop last year. They were a hit. Janice

doodles n daydreams said...

The girls look to be really enjoying their craft. And the finished product is really pretty.

HappyK said...

More fun times at your house!! :)
They jars are lovely.

Miss Merry said...

What a great craft with granddaughters. The candleholders are just beautiful and I love the look of the flowers when they are finished. Very pretty.

Susan said...

Hi Mari, you always come up with the coolest crafts for your grands. I might have to copy that idea! Have a great week!

Catherine said...

Wouah! Such a good idea and beautiful result!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

The jars look so pretty.

Jenny the Pirate said...

That is unbelievably charming! I might even be able to do that! SO beautiful. I love the way your girlies enter in to all of the activities you plan for them, and do it with their whole heart. There is no substitute for that. They need to sell these jars beside the road and call them Driveway Candle Jars. You're Welcome xoxo