
Monday, July 29, 2024

Maternity photos

Most of you know our daughter Heather and her husband Andrew, are expecting a baby!  It's a boy and he's due in the beginning of September, but she has Type 1 Diabetes which means she is a high risk pregnancy and will most likely be induced early.  The ultrasound last week said he already weighs over 7 pounds.  Heather has been doing well; her blood sugars are stable and blood pressure is good.
Heather wanted me to take some maternity photos and since it looks like the baby will be coming soon, we thought we better get them done.
We met at a park on Saturday to take the pictures.  Bob came along to help direct Cassie to look at the camera, and then to do a little playing with her while we finished the other pictures.
Here's a few of the finished pics.

When you are dealing with a toddler, it's hard to get a picture of them looking at you - and sometimes the thumb is in the mouth!

Cassie wanted a picture of her with her kitty.

I love the expression on Cassie's face in this one.

Cute little baby boy shoes.

My favorite of Heather and Andrew

And, my favorite of their family.

We had fun, got some good pictures and got one more thing done before this sweet addition to our family arrives.


Mary M said...

God’s blessings to your Heather the baby and all the family!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my word Mari what a precious, precious, precious family! Cassie! What a darling child she is. Heather looks absolutely wonderful. She has the most beautiful skin! Just lovely, all of them. I'm so excited about this little guy, I can hardly stand it! Such happy times! I am praying for a problem-free delivery! xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are wonderful photos! I love Cassie's sweet summery dress. I think my favorite is the one where you said you love Cassie's expression, so adorable! I can't wait to see the baby!!

Mandy said...

These turned out so good! I know they will treasure them! I’m excited for y’all and can’t wait to hear what Cassie thinks about her baby brother!

Prims By The Water said...

What beautiful family photos. These will be treasured always. Best of luck to Heather and soon we will see pics of your new grandson. I cannot wait to see him grow up and am sure Cassie will love having a baby brother. Janice

roentare said...

Gorgeous family portrait. You did them very nicely

Sparky said...

Congratulations to Heather and all the family. May her good sugar numbers, etc. continue. Blessings on her and all y'all. 💙

Suemn said...

Those photos are priceless. You did a terrific job and I know Heather and Andrew love them.

Terri D said...

I just love them all!! Such a sweet family and how fun to have a BOY coming!! He won't be spoiled at all by his big sister and cousins!! I'm so excited for all of you and the blessings ahead!! xo

Dianna said...

Such wonderful maternity pictures, Mari. Andrew and Heather make such a lovely couple and I'm so thankful to the Lord for the way He has worked on their behalf this year! Now I understand where Cassie gets that sweet little face of hers...she looks so much like Heather.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Aww how sweet. Capturing these precious memories is special. I like the same photos as yours but they’re all good. Cassie is so doggone cute.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

You did such an AWESOME job Mari!! These are all absolutely precious. I bet they just loved them. I love the family one with Cassie on the shoulders making the cutest face. :) And those little baby shoes - squeee!!! I so pray I get grandbabies one day. Just makes my heart get the biggest squeeze. Thanks for sharing - I loved them all!! 💗💙

Catherine said...

Beautiful! A new family member will arrive soon! Cute Cassie.

acorn hollow said...

Lovely pictures sending good wishes for everyone.

HappyK said...

Such lovely photos!! :). I've been thinking about Heather lately and have been praying for a healthy baby. Doesn't look like it will be long now!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So lovely! I truly do love these photos of your sweet family and baby to be! No one ever thought of doing that back when we were having babies. I have one or two photos of me pregnant. My mother said they always were supposed to keep the pregnancy hidden back her day, so they would never dream of taking pictures. Times have certainly changed, and I love it. Praying for your sweet family and the precious little one that is waiting to make his appearance. Praying all will go well for mother and baby and for sweet Cassie as she adapts to having a baby brother to share her parents and grandparents with. It will be a new thing for her, but she will be a great big sister I am certain! Sweet days ahead. Praying.

Susan~aredheadonthego said...

What an absolutely adorable family. Heather is so beautiful. She truly glows. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. We look forward to the big day.

Susan said...

Those are great pictures!!! I am excited for you as you expect your first grandson! Praying all goes well for mom and baby!

R's Rue said...


Lowcarb team member said...

Such joy ...
Lovely photographs.
Prayers for all the family and hope all goes well for Heather and the new baby.

All the best Jan

Chatty Crone said...

I looked you up and followed you - every time I go to one of my friend's blog you seem to be there. So, I figured I might as well check you out.
So, a baby boy - and they have a girl - perfect family - I wish them well. Very pretty pictures. sandie

Kim said...

Oh how beautiful!! You all must be getting so excited!!