
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bob's week away

Bob spent the last week in Kentucky on a mission trip. Our church has sent a team to this area for several years.  There is a resale store that we send things down to. It helps fund some of the projects our team worked on. Quite a few people from the team helped there, sorting and stocking things.  Some people helped put on a Vacation Bible School, and a lot of people were there to help with construction and home repair.

This was where Bob and several others stayed during the week.  It's set up with several rooms with bunk beds to hold lots of volunteers when they come down.

Here's some of the team, gathering after breakfast where they would have devotions together before starting their day.

This old building which is near the bunk house Bob was in, is being repaired to be used as a Christian academy.

Other things near to them were cows...


and this beautiful pond.

Bob and his team started here.  An elderly woman who had rented a house for years was left homeless when someone bought that house and evicted her.  The ministry was able to get this for her, but it was an empty shell.

The guys put in walls, rafters and all the basic framing to get this place ready to live in.

(Bob and Ken working in the bathroom)

They spent the second half of the week in another home, a trailer that was in bad shape.  The floors were sagging, the plumbing didn't work well and the lady living here had no way to fix these things.  They replaced a toilet, put in new base flooring and retiled the kitchen and bathroom.  They put in a new ceiling, fixed the counter in the kitchen and repaired the plumbing.

Here's Bob, the 3 men he was working with and the lady that lived here.  He said they were able to get to know her quite well and they all enjoyed that.  He also enjoyed working with the young man on the left.  He's a high schooler from our church, and this was a great way to get to know him better.

There was another group of men putting an addition on to a house, which was something they worked on for 2 weeks, but they got it up and ready to be finished inside.

On Thursday evening, many of the group went to this beautiful waterfall.  Bob didn't go because his knees were very sore from being on them to lay tile all day, but I got these pictures from someone who did go.

They had fun jumping and swimming in this beautiful spot.

One thing I didn't mention was that our worship leader was heading up this team.  However, he ended up in the hospital on Tuesday and was found to have diverticulitis with a perforated bowel.  The rest of the team picked up his duties and things went ok, but they all felt terrible for him.

Most everyone left early Saturday morning and Bob was home shortly after 3pm.  I was happy to see him back after a week away!
Chad, who was in the hospital was discharged Sunday morning and should be back by Sunday evening.

They all said they had a wonderful week. They grew close as a group and really enjoyed meeting the people there and hearing their stories.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a lot of work they all got done! They should feel so happy with themselves! They were a huge help to so many. And what a beautiful place this is. A few years ago, I had a perforated bowl from diverticulitis! They had to remove 6 inches of it and then re-attach.

roentare said...

That waterfall is so tempting to me!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! Bob is a good man. This was a wonderful and worthy service trip to help those who have so little. Things like this really help put our own problems in perspective. I know that Bob has many woodworking and carpentry skills so it is wonderful that he was able to use his skills to help others! I'm glad that the worship leader is on the mend and hopefully home by now. That big building that is going to be made in to a Christian academy looks like a really great structure for a school! I'm glad that Bob made it home safely. This was an interesting post. Have a good week!

Catherine said...

This is so nice of Bob and the teams to help these people!
Diverticulitis are very painful this is why I went to hospital in Dubai he must have been so bad. Glad he is better.
The pictures are very nice.
Hope Bob’s knew are feeling better.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Fab post MARI- Bob and his friends certainly do great and important work...lovely to hear from you Mari. Best wishes to you and Bob. KEV.

Dianna said...

Mari, I find it so heartwarming that this group of people from your church was able to go and help these dear people who were in need and no other way to get the work done that they needed done. But I think even more heartwarming for me as I read your post was the relationship building that took place last week , not only with Bob and his team members, but also with the people who were in need. I especially think of the bridge that was built with the young man who is a high schooler from your church. What an opportunity for the young to learn from the older as well as getting to know people better. I'm glad that Chad was released Sunday morning. I continue to pray. And, Mari, thank you for sharing this post with us. xx

Sparky said...

What a wonderful, kind, generous thing to do for that lady! God bless Bob and all the others for that. I would so love to have projects like that here. Wouldn't know how to go about getting something like that started. There are so many men that are falling through the cracks of being helped. Women & children get everything but not men. It's something weighing on my heart.
Anywho, sorry to hear about the worship leader. Diverticulitis nearly killed my husband in March 1989. I rushed him to the ER in Jacksonville, Florida, and he had to have extensive surgery then put back together. That was a rough time for us. Prayers for the worship leaders healing. It may be a long road for him too. Hope not. 💙

HappyK said...

What a blessing to read about Bob and all the others who made time to help these people. God Bless them all.

Barbara said...

I enjoyed the story and pictures of this mission trip. What a lot was accomplished! I know the recipients are extremely grateful!

Praying for Chad. We are acquainted (well-acquainted, actually) with some colorectal problems, so your mention of him really caught my attention. I hope and pray he recovers fully.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Could not love this more! What a beautiful way for Bob and others to give of their faith. Blessings to them all and prayers for the worship leader to heal quickly! 🙏🏻💗

Terri D said...

This is a wonderful ministry and I really enjoyed learning about Bob's week there! My brother was very active with Habitat and also helped renovate a church camp for kids. It meant a lot to him as I know it did to Bob and the team! xo

Suemn said...

Wow! The group got a lot done and I know the people who they helped must have been so happy and appreciative. I'm sorry to hear about the health issue your Worship leader had while in Kentucky and I'm glad to hear he was able to go home on Sunday.

Prims By The Water said...

What a wonderful thing Bob and the team did for those folks who need help. I have a co-worker who does this as well with his church. He went to Tennessee this time. The scenery in Kentucky was spectacular. I agree with Daniel Boone when he said it was God's Country. Janice

Kim said...

What a wonderful, selfless thing to do! I'm sure all the people they helped are super appreciative for their new living spaces. It looks like a lovely place to spend a week, too.

Mandy said...

What a wonderful week spent helping others. Our church used to do these mission trips many years ago when we had more members. I know you were glad to have him back home, though. I hope your worship leader is feeling much better by now.

Judy said...

Wow, everyone did amazing work down there. I love the waterfall photos. Prayers that your worship leader is doing better and Bob's knees have recovered.

Jenny the Pirate said...

That sounds like an arduous but rewarding week for everyone involved! And what a blessing to those two ladies! But poor Chad! I bet he was feeling awful even before his situation became an emergency! Hope Bon's knees have recovered. xoxo