
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

Time with Cassie

This past weekend, we made plans to try to have Cassie spend the night again. She loves to come over and always has no problem, until it's time to go to bed.
So, we met them for supper Friday night.

She was very excited to get done eating and come over.
She talked a mile a minute, all the way home.

She's been talking about baking with Grandma, so we started with some cookies to decorate the next day.

Then she played with Grandpa while I finished baking them.

She usually goes to bed around 8, so we got PJ's on and had a snack.

We watched a little show, read books...  and tried to go to bed.  The crying started.  "I miss my mama and papa".  I even got her to lay in bed with me, but no success.  At 9:30 we were in the car bringing her home.   :(

The next morning, we hadn't planned anything since she was supposed to be here.  We decided to go to their house so Bob could help Andrew with a little project and I could finish the cookies with Cassie.

We were making hedgehog cookies.  I was dipping part of them in chocolate and she was putting chocolate sprinkles on them.

She said Grandpa had to do one too, so he came out and did some sprinkles.

Here she is with one of the finished cookies.

And here's a plate of cute little hedgehogs.

Cassie had to try one, and we found that the chocolate makes them a bit messy!  But she liked it, and she had fun!
We're hoping that soon she'll decide it's ok to spend the whole night!