
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Meijer Gardens

You may remember this post I did after we visited Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park after Christmas.  Aaron and Laura gave us a membership for Christmas so we can go whenever we like.  That's a good thing because it's 158 acres, 30 acres of that is a Sculpture park, there's a conservatory and several different types of gardens.
Bob and I went this past week and spent several hours wandering around a few of them.

There is a large enclosed entry with openings giving you a glimpse of the gardens awaiting you.

There is a very large room when you first enter that has these sculptures on each wall.  You can see the size in comparison to the benches.  The look of the sculptures changes as you walk from side to side.

After walking through the building, which is very large and always has different exhibits going on, you enter the gardens at the back of this conservatory.

Here's the conservatory from a different angle.

There's a large children's garden that we've gone through before but didn't this time.  It's full of fun things, like water features, animal sculptures, things that make music and fun plants.

We walked to the Woodland Garden, which is interesting for us because we have so much shade in our yard, and Bob loves to look for new things to add at home.

There are paths to follow and they've built boardwalks over uneven places going through the woods which make it easier to walk.

And tucked into the gardens are so many sculptures, big and small.

After the woodland garden, we walked the boardwalk to the pond.

Along this walk, there are sculptures too.

In this one, there are 3 frog sculptures going up the hillside.

It was such a nice day, and we loved walking around, seeing all the beauty God put around us.

Next time we go, we hope to spend time in the Japanese gardens, so I'll have more to share later.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love seeing it all, and can't wait for the Japanese Gardens! My favorite is the beaver. And it fascinates me about the moving faces!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, what a cool place. It's so nice that you got a membership for Christmas so you can go back again and again. Looks like you will need multiple visits to see it all! I hope you have a good week!

Debby said...

How nice. I’d love this place and so much to see. Japanese gardens are my favorites. I appreciate all the Clement's and balance. I would love one but it wouldn’t match the style of my house. Oh well.

Sparky said...

What a pretty place! Looks so tranquil. Nicely kept. I'm glad y'all got to visit. Thanks for sharing. 💙

Melanie said...

What a beautiful place to spend a day! I'm glad you can go there whenever you want. It reminds me of the butterfly garden at the University of Florida in Gainesville although it was much smaller. I love the chipmunk statue! Have a great week.

Catherine said...

It is a beautiful place! And the sculptures are very nice. I also love Japanese gardens and we visited a lot when in Japan I am sure you’ll enjoy them.

DUTA said...

Gardens, sculptures, boardwalks, paths that make it all easy, shadows - beauty and fun combined- makes it for a wish to revisit the place.

HappyK said...

What a wonderful place to visit and walk.
Interesting sculptures.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

What an absolutely beautiful place to treasure!! I'd want to go there everyday. Lol

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely place to visit, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

What a beautiful place to connect with God and to bask in His glory! Such a peaceful place and the gift of membership from your kiddos was brilliant!! I'm looking forward to the Japanese Garden pictures!!

Mandy said...

Gosh, what a gorgeous place! So big! It has so many cool features! Definitely not your average botanic gardens!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh that place is AMAZING! The conservatory -- all of that glass! What a nice gift for you and Bon. xoxo

Jean said...

What a LOVELY place!!!