
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Friday Funny



Ginny Hartzler said...

That would be ME!!!!

Mandy said...

I can even remember my aunt's phone number from over thirty years ago when she lived in Montana, but I constantly forget passwords! Haha!

Debby said...

Yep! Sycamore 73914.

Terri D said...

LOL!! My sister (the teacher) even remembers the combination of 'our' mailbox and our grandma's mailbox, at the post office. She's got me beat!

R's Rue said...


Dianna said...

Well, when I was in my childhood we were on a 10 party line...and I seldom needed to use the I don't remember the phone number from back then. BUT I could easily use other examples of things gone by that I remember from years gone by but not the password I created yesterday. :)

Catherine said...

This reminds me of somebody : Me! 😂
( they are arriving tomorrow 7pm)

Catherine said...

I’ll prepare the punch tomorrow !

Sparky said...

Same!! LOL 💙

happyone said...

That would be me too.
I remember my number, best friends and both grandparents.
I also remember the license plate number on our car!!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

We are definitely from the same squad Lady! Lol

Michelle said...

I can remember some childhood addresses, but those passwords....there are too many to keep track of.

Lowcarb team member said...

LOL! Good one!

All the best Jan

Veronica Lee said...

This is so relatable!
I can remember my best friend's phone number from primary school.
Memory is a funny thing!

Happy Saturday, Mari!

Judy said...

That definitely would be me! Totally remember it but not any passwords or my current land line phone number.

Donna said...

Lolol...good one!

Linda said...

Oh boy....I so can relate...and my parents still have my childhood phone number. Gosh forbid they should ever get a new one, LOL.

Henny Penny said...

Oh that is me!! I'm always saying, I can remember being six months old, but I can't remember what happened yesterday!