
Monday, June 10, 2024


Sunday was Bob's birthday, so Laura, Heather and families came over and we also celebrated Father's Day.

We started with a yummy supper of sliders, mac and cheese, veggies and strawberries.

I thought Alaina and Laura looked cute sitting together so I snapped this Mother/Daughter shot.

Then there were some gifts to open.  This t-shirt says:
"Grandpa - Here to help my grandchildren get into mischief they haven't thought of yet".   So true!

Look at these cards - handmade by Alaina and Ruby.  Those cards are the best!

They agreed to come out for some photos.  They say Grandma is always taking pictures!

We got one of Grandpa and the grands too.

After some playing outside, some playing inside and enjoying cheesecake made by Laura, the girls decided to hang out on the porch.

Soon it was time for them to go home. 
Bob said he had the perfect birthday!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The pic of grandpa and the girls is adorable! Cassie looks like she is getting squished! Laura and Alaina look so much alike. I love the T-shirt! The girls did really good with the cards. Not surprising, as you have taught them well how to craft.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I think Bob is right - how could a birthday be any more perfect!?! The t-shirt is just right and those cute handmade cards are the best! Someday those girls will be so thankful that grandma took so many pictures. Good memories. I hope you are having a good week. See you again soon!

roentare said...

Such a heartwarming get together shots of your family.

Sparky said...

What fun! Mom and daughter do look a lot alike. Such a sweet bunch of photos. I'll bet one day they'll be so thankful that Grandma snapped a lot of photos of all these happy memories. 💙

KEV. Robertson. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB...glad you had a great day with the Grandkids. KEV.

16 blessings'mom said...

Don't they just make life rich and wonderful? They are beautiful, Grandpa is beaming!

Catherine said...

Cute pictures of grandpa and the girls!
Bob had a nice Birthday and Father’s Day
Love the t-shirt !

R's Rue said...

Beautiful family

Happy@Home said...

What nice pictures of Bob's special day. The t shirt made me smile.
The girls did such nice work on the birthday cards.
Happy Birthday to Bob.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwwww Happy Happy Happy Birthday to Bon! What wonderful pictures you got of the celebration and those cards ARE the best. And I got a new pic of the girlies to stow in my file! Love it. xoxo

Donna said...

Happy Birthday to Bob! These are wonderful photos!

HappyK said...

Great family photos.
Happy Birthday to Bob. :)

Mandy said...

Great pictures! That shirt is the best! Haha! So awesome that y’all could all get together a little early and celebrate two things at once!

Kim said...

Looks like a perfect birthday indeed!! Happy Birthday to Bob!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Happy Birthday, Bob. So glad your family got together. You have a beautiful family.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Aawww - the sweetest girlies ever. And Happy Birthday and Father's Day to Bob!! The best Grandpa around 😉 The craftmanship on those cards was stunning. And the shirt is precious. Blessings to you all. xo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a wonderful birthday and Father's Day celebration! I know your hubby loved every minute of it, as did the girls and I'm sure you did as well! Family time is the best time. Love their handmade cards. Those are the best. Happy days!!!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Happy Birthday to Bob! Love his shirt and the cards made your local artists. Sweet pics too. Blessings galore where you are Mari! Blessings, love and huts across these miles.

DUTA said...

Congrats to Bob on his Birthday!
He got a great T-shirt and lovely birthday cards as presents!
The picture of Bob and the 3-grandaughters - is very cute!
The same applies to the picture of the 3-girls together!
Many Happy Returns of the Day!

Michelle said...

It does look like a perfect birthday :)

Suemn said...

The pic of Bob smiling as he held up the Grandpa T-shirt looks like he's ready to get into some mischief with his granddaughters:) Those cards made by Alaina and Ruby are so cute and I'm jealous that they are so much better than me at drawing.

Terri D said...

It certainly does look like a perfect celebration. Love the new t-shirt! That's what grandpas are supposed to do!! The girls are growing up too fast. Precious. xo

Susan said...

Happy birthday to your hubby. I love the pictures and I love your porch!!! Thanks for sharing them. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Prims By The Water said...

What a fun birthday. Happy Belated Birthday to Bob! I giggled when I read what was on the shirt. Homemade cards are the BEST! The grands are so adorable too. Janice

Jean said...

What a great day indeed!! I adore your girls AND your front porch!!

Debi said...

Loved the girls' comment that Grandma is always taking photos... isn't that what we're here for? ;-)

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Birthday to Bob.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful photographs.
Special memories for you all.

All the best Jan