
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Busy, Fun Weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us.  Our small group from church was coming over on Sunday, so that meant I was busy getting the house and food ready on Saturday.

On Saturday at 4 we had a wedding to attend. A young couple from our church was getting married.

It was held at this old furniture factory which has been renovated and is now a venue space.

The ceremony was in the upper level, which was beautiful with the beams and exposed bricks.  Both the bride and groom grew up in our church, so lots of people we knew were there.

The reception was held on the main floor of that building.  Here people are starting to gather after the ceremony.
We had a wonderful meal, and lots of fun!

Sunday we had church in the morning, then our small group friends came for lunch. We hurried home after church to get lunch ready. There are 10 of us in the group and we take turns going to each others houses.  I meant to get a picture of the group and in the busyness, I forgot.
We always have a good time of discussion and fellowship.  They left around 3.
Then we headed back to church.  There was an ice cream social going on.

Tables were set up on the lawn and under the drop off.  There were ice cream sundaes, banana splits and root beer float.
It was such a nice day after a week of very high temps.  It was 84 with a nice breeze and everyone was enjoying sitting around and chatting.

Here's Bob helping clean up when it was all done.  It was time to go home, have supper and relax after 2 busy days!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Busy, but lots of fun! The wedding venue is beautiful. Who knew that after seeing the outside?

Katerinas Blog said...

You may be tired,
but you had a good time and that's what matters!
Have a beautiful week!

Donna said...

Looks like everyone had a fun time!

Sandi said...

Love the ceiling lights!

Sparky said...

That's a nice setting for the reception. I'll bet y'all had a good time.
Have a wonderful day! 💙

R's Rue said...

Looks like a fun weekend.

Dianna said...

I'm glad that all went well with your busy weekend! The wedding venue is so attractive and how nice that the ceremony and the reception were held in the same building, just different levels.

Ice cream socials are SO fun! Glad that you also had a good time of fellowship when your small group came over after church. I know the food was good!

Judy said...

What a beautiful place to use. I love how these old buildings are renovated for events and even places to live. Beautiful photos of the day.

DUTA said...

How wonderful! a wedding, a group of friends for lunch at your house, icecream social at the church... Fun, laughter, good food, good company..!

Catherine said...

It was surely a busy but nice weekend for you.
We also had a nice birthday present outing but unfortunately not in the hotel.
I will be busy this week cooking and freezing meals. I hope they’ll be able to come this weekend and that our son will be well enough.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Looking at the beautiful interior of the wedding venue made me think of the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." It was quite a contrast from the building's exterior.

Terri D said...

Whew!! You surely did have a busy weekend!! The wedding venue looks beautiful. The ice cream social looks like it was a great time and I know your dinner for your small group was delicious! My group has taken a few months off because of surgeries and family matters. I really miss it. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us! xo

Billie Jo said...

Happy times, my dear friend!

Mandy said...

What a beautiful wedding venue! We have several places around our town that have been renovated as well and turned into lovely spaces. Love that! Sounds like the rest of your weekend was great as well! Yay for ice cream!

Prims By The Water said...

What a beautiful venue and a great way to save history. My nephews wedding in North Carolina was inside a long forgotten textile mill that they also converted to a wedding venue. Looks like everyone had fun at the ice cream social too! I would love to have me some ice v=cream with the toppings too.. Janice

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well your summer dance card is full to bursting so far! What a fun and enjoyable weekend. We have a church supper on the Wednesday of 4th of July week and I am looking forward to that so much. I love church fellowships! The wedding venue was awesome! So refreshing to have time to visit with old friends ... hint hint ... xoxo

Deb J. in Utah said...

That's a lovely venue for a wedding.