
Sunday, February 12, 2023

A night with 3 girlies

 Saturday evening we had all three girls because our kids were taking my Dad out for supper.  We don't often have all three at the same time and it was fun.
When Alaina and Ruby arrived, Ruby said she was going to be the best babysitter for Cassie.  She was quite excited.

Cassie loves books and brought some to Grandpa to read.

The girls went downstairs to play in the playhouse.  Alaina wanted to straighten the play house out, so Ruby was entertaining Cassie.  Ruby got Cassie dressed in this apron and chef hat which really didn't fit her, but she didn't care.

She gave her rides on this chair.

They played with these big balls.  Then they played in the playhouse for awhile.

We ordered pizza which Alaina and Ruby really liked.  Cassie wasn't a fan though.

Here she's enjoying a cheese stick.

After supper, Alaina was hiding under a blanket in different rooms and letting Cassie come find her.

Horseback rides are always fun!

This was so cute in person.  Alaina and Ruby were dancing to some music and Cassie joined them.

They made a hammock out of this blanket and let Cassie sit and lay on it.

There was a lot of squealing and giggling in our house.  What a fun evening!


Ginny Hartzler said...

It really does look like so much fun! My favorite is the dancing one. They really know how to entertain Cassie!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all! It's so great that you had all three of them spend the night. Hope you have a great week. See you again soon!

Catherine said...

It is nice to have giggling in the house again after the children have left the house it is too quite. They seemed to have a nice stay.

Donna said...

Oh! I'm so envious!lolol
What fun that must have been...
Nothing as wonderful as children's laughter!

16 blessings'mom said...

Gramma and Grampa time is so special, they're sweet girls, and what good memories they're making. I never knew my grandparents, so it's all extra special to me.

Changes in the wind said...

So nice they can make memories together and bring joy to you and your hubby.

Jeanette said...

Awesome! Definitely looks like a wonderful time!

R's Rue said...

Three cuties.

Beth Cotell said...

I just love this post! How nice that you had two wonderful babysitters to play with Cassie. You and Bob could just enjoy the girls while Alaina and Ruby did all the "work"!

Anni said...

Fun times. Sweet, smiling faces

HappyK said...

Sure looks like everyone had a great time. :)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Such happy pictures. It does look like a very fun visit.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

The best memories for the girls and for Grandma & Grandpa! 😍 They are all so adorable. And I love how Alaina & Ruby love being the big girls to help with Cassie. They are all going to grow up being besties. 💗

Suemn said...

Such fun. Cassie is lucky to have Alaina and Ruby love her so much!

Jenny the Pirate said...

C'mon Cassie, get with the pizza program! You have to have it pirate style: extra sauce and heavy on the pepperoni, haaahaha! It's awfully sweet and mature of the girls to keep Cassie occupied that way. Not all kids their age would do that. xoxo

Heather said...

It's funny to me because she will happily eat a bunch of pizza rolls and she eats pepperoni on its own. We keep offering and she just isn't into pizza yet.

Terri D said...

I love how sweet the older girls are with Cassie! Such great photos!! You need to have Bob take some photos, Mari, so you are in some of them too! Hugs!

Billie Jo said...

How adorable are they??! I bet they had a blast with you! Happy Valentine's Day, my friend.

Debi said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time with your girls. Alaina and Ruby are so good with Cassie... they will be great babysitters one day! Have a great week!

Henny Penny said...

Such sweet girls...all three! I just can't believe how fast they are growing. Seems like just yesterday that Cassie was a new baby.

Sally said...

How fun and so imaginative! They are so precious, Mari. I know you enjoy every moment.


Kim said...

Nothing better than a house full of kids and all the commotion that comes along with them!!

DUTA said...

Cassie gets spoilt by everyone, as she's little and so cute!
The girls are a ray of light and a source of smiles and laughter in the family.

Jean said...

Oh my goodness, I love these girl cousins and that they can have fun together at your house!

I had to laugh at the cheese stick. Such a great solution for picky eaters!