My fellow workers at the nursing home have been reminded of this fact this week. We get so caught up in our busy lives and often complain about little things, when we need to remember to be thanking God for each day he blesses us with.
We had a couple come to the nursing home about a month ago. I knew them from the community and always enjoyed talking to them. When they were admitted, they were both in poor condition, he more so than his wife. Before I tell you about what's been going on with them, I have to tell you a little history. The man had 2 wives pass away before he married this woman. Both wives dies of cancer. He also had a daughter killed in a car accident when she was 16, and another daughter died of cancer in her 30's. The woman's first husband also passed away and she lost a son to suicide. Both have already been through a lot.
Now we come to what's happening now. The mans daughter lives out of state. She came back to see her Dad. While here, she ended up in the ER with terrible pain. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is now starting chemotherapy. The woman has one daughter who lives nearby. The daughters husband has been driving the step sister to the hospital for her chemo treatments. Last week, while the daughter was at the nursing home, she got a call that her husband had collapsed at the chemo center. He had a heart attack and passed away.
The original couple isn't expected to live for long - maybe a week or so, and I can't imagine what that daughter is going through, planning her husbands funeral while sitting at her dying Mom and stepdads bed. And the other daughter going the chemo at this time is also having a hard time.
This was a real reminder about how quickly our lives can change. We always need to be assured of where we are going when we pass away, and also be thankful for each day we are given.
Father God I pray You give comfort and peace as only You can in situations like this. I pray for supportive, caring Christians to come around and lighten the burden in these situations. I thank you for Mari's heart and caring. In Jesus name, Amen
Oh, my. Some people's lives are filled with heartache...more than most. Poor dears. Yes, so hard! And most important...we need to be assured of where we are going when our life is over! So very well said, Mari!
Oh my....I'm truly at a loss for words here.
So sad and you are right, we are blessed and should be thankful every day. Amen to knowing where we will go once death comes our way.
That is so sad. Thank you for the gentle reminder to be thankful. Blessings
Praying for peace, comfort and healing for this family.
What a sad story. I'm sorry. This is a very important message, Mari. Thank you for the reminder.
Oh my goodness, how do people without God in their lives do it? He is what gets me through things! Praying for this precious family, it really does make you realize what's important in life and that we are surely blessed!
So much sadness. I know it must break God's heart when we complain when others are going through such heart break....
We wonder just how much more we can handle, then look around and see some many others dealing with so much more than we are. Not to mention the agony endured by our Savior, all for us. My prayers will include this family that they will have faith and strength in that faith to carry on. Thanks for sharing their story, Mari. Please keep us posted. And God bless you and your co-workers for caring so much for your patients and their families.
no words no words...just blessings.
Life can change in the blink of an eye. =-(
I read this post the other night and it was so late at night that I couldn't take it all in. Their tragic lives overwhelmed me. So, I came back today to read it again. Cancer and Chemo in themselves is enough of a trial, let alone the sickness and death of loved ones. God, please carry them!
Wow. So much pain and heartache. I truly cannot imagine how people bear up under the stress. I'm so glad that, as bad as things are for this family, they have you and your colleagues to help and comfort them through this awful time. And you're right: If you wake up and you can get out of bed, and you're not headed out to some doctor or hospital or to a funeral home, count your blessings.
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