You may remember almost a month when I told you here that Heather had been in an accident and probably totaled her car?
Yes, her car was totaled and those of you that have been through this know that it takes a while before everything is taken care of.
We have State Farm insurance and we were really happy with how they handled it. We felt they gave a fair settlement for her car. However - once you get the check, it still takes a while to find a good used car.
After looking around for a few weeks we had success! Here is her new (to her) car:
Yes, her car was totaled and those of you that have been through this know that it takes a while before everything is taken care of.
We have State Farm insurance and we were really happy with how they handled it. We felt they gave a fair settlement for her car. However - once you get the check, it still takes a while to find a good used car.
After looking around for a few weeks we had success! Here is her new (to her) car:

It's a Chevy Cavalier. We're hoping it runs as well as her Saturn did!
I have an update on Andy too. He left last Sunday and is now at his base in Afghanistan. We were able to talk to him Sunday afternoon. At this point he doesn't have internet yet and because of the long hours and expense of calling we won't hear much. Once his internet is set up, we will be able to use Skype to keep in contact. He's working nights right now - big hours and not much in the way of days off. That's not all bad though. Time goes quick that way and there really isn't much to do there. He says it's pretty cold as they are in the mountains, but not quite as bad as Michigan!
Thanks for your continued prayers for him!
Heather's car is cute. I'm so glad Andy is settled in and staying busy. I pray he stays safe.
I hope you're staying warm and dry.
Love a white car - you notice that I've probably picked all our cars by color, lol! Just kidding! Her car looks well taken care of.
Blessings on your Andy and all those who serve their country.
we are still waiting for Morgans car to be fixed. she is carless, which means that we give her rides again...i forgot how time consuming that can be. i like your daughters new car and glad she was safe. its also good to be reminded to pray for your son. God's hand is upon your family.
I'm praying for Andy. Hope he gets internet soon so he can skype with you all.
Love Heather's car. It's so cute.
Good news on both fronts...
Sharp lookin car and Andy safely at his distination. We continue to pray for our servicemen/women who are helping to keep our world safe.
Glad ya found a great car for Heather and know my prayers are with Andy and you too.
God bless and have a beautiful day! place! :o)
I really like Heather's car! It looks really pretty.
I am also glad that Andy is settled and into a schedule. I am sorry he has to work at night and in the cold. But, having lived in Michigan has probably helped him get ready for it. I pray for him and know that God is right there with him. He is in the palm of God's hand.
Nice car!
Glad to hear Andy is doing well; we look forward to more updates from him!
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