About a year ago I posted here about the many names I answer to.
Many of my names come from the residents at work. They are all "normal" names - some I am called are Betty, Penny and Marilyn. However, I've recently acquired a new name from one of our little ladies, that is a little more unusual.
She has no sit in her and is a fall risk, so she spends a lot of time sitting at the nurses station next to me. She sometimes gets frustrated with me because she wants me to go with her (never to any one place), and I'm always telling her I need to finish my work before we can leave.
Last week she said "That's enough! They either need to get some help for you or we are just going to get out of here!"
Anyway, for some reason, she thinks my name is Coco. :) (I know you are laughing now!)
I don't know about you , but when I think of a person named Coco, I think of someone dancing on table tops and that certainly isn't me!
However, when I look the name up, I find it means chocolate bean. Maybe that's why she gave me the name - she knows I like chocolate!
Regardless of what she calls me, she is a cutie and I love having conversations with her. The other day she told me "You have a hot boyfriend." How many 90 year olds do you know that have that kind of conversation? When I passed that bit on to Bob he replied "I guess she's met me!"
It's a fun benefit to my job. I get to meet lots of people, every day is different and I never know what I am going to hear - or be called!
I can sure relate! Our folks keep us in stitches too! Great post!
Hello Coco! :o) Hot boyfriend! ;o)
She is a fun one with lots of cute comments!!
I know you make a difference every day for people Mari. I knew that the very first moment I met you. It makes me so thankful. You are a blessing.
That is the cutest lady!!! I'm sure she does keep you laughing. I love the "hot boyfriend" comment too. You're in the perfect job...where you can spread your love and sunshine around.
that is my favorite part of visiting nursing homes. they say the darndest things. :)
As a serious chocolate lover, Coco would be a perfect name for me too. She sounds like a fun person.
What a sweet post. Thank God for people and nurses like you. When my mother in law was in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, the nurses would allow her to sit with them at the nurses station. My MIL always thought she was "at work", so the nurses would give her piles of paper to straighten or push around. I know it meant the world to her...and to us. You make her feel important.
WoW Coco! Not only a table dancer but a dreamer as well!!! Those people are so fortunate to have people working where you work that genuinely love them!!!
Oh my goodness....you should never had told your Bob that he is hot...I just know it went right to his head!!! [just kidding of course] And Coco....now that is precious. I thought first of Coco Channel. Either case, rich Ms. Channel or rich in being a pole dancer [tabletop if you'd prefer.] Kidding again...I'm on a roll.
Coco immediately reminds me of Coco Channel, just like Hootin ANni said. I think that's what Courtney Cox from Friends named her little girl.
What ever it reminds you of, it's sweet, and you bring out the sweetness in every one!
Dear Coco -
Wouldn't you like to know where that came from? The mind is an interesting thing.
I'm sure you make her day when you pay attention to her like you do.
At least all the names you're called are nice ones :)
Someone at our church calls our pastor's wife that name. It must be a "pet" name. I think it is cute!
Well I think it's adorable and very you....Coco to be sure......My mother in law is in a nursing home and she always has tales to tell on the other patients......I bet you guys hear some wild tales......
You are a blessing to all you serve....I know how much the staff has meant to us where my mother in law is residing.....
LOL Coco, that is so funny, but I have to agree with the other comments, I think it actually suits you.
She sounds like a sweet lady and I like her name for you.
It sounds like you have a job that you really enjoy. The residents are lucky to have you.
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