My tip for today is about wrinkled clothes. I don't know what the deal is with my clothes. They seem to wrinkle easily. I fold them, or hang them and put them away; but when I get them out, they are wrinkled. That's bad enough, but the other problem is that I hate to iron. Bob teases me that I don't even know what one is. So - what to do when you are getting ready and your shirt is all wrinkled?
You take a clean washcloth, get it wet and wring it out. Then you put it and the shirt in the dryer. Let it run for about 4 minutes, depending on the heaviness of the clothing item. When you take it out of the dryer - ta da! The wrinkles are gone!
Kristen from We are THAT Family is again hosting Works for me Wednesday. Stop and see her for a bunch of good idea's!
Yet another fantastic tip.
That's exactly what I do!!! Totally agree! It works!
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support.
I do this all the time, my boys however seem to think soaking a shirt with a water bottle and wearing it works better. They say the wrinkles just fall out, which is true, but I don't like wearing wet clothes!!
Love and Blessings
Great tip.
This previous Sunday I wore my new Mexican peasant style blouse to church and it is made of "crinkled" material. A lady complimented me on the blouse and we laughed as we chatted cuz it will never need ironing. Hurray!
I've done this little trick a time or two myself.
I don't iron often myself.
I love the idea, and I've done it a time or two myself.
I love to iron :D
I used to love to iron, but I've moved on to the wash cloth trick!
Great tip as usual. I too detest ironing!
I do enjoy ironing but not when I'm getting ready to go somewhere.
I'm trying the wet wash cloth......
I'll have to pass this on to MIke's mom, she hates ironing too!
i'm not an ironer either. i'll have to try that out.
That was one of my favorite tricks in the past. Don't do it so much now because electric is so expensive and our old dryer (inherited from our coworkers when they got a "new" used dryer) is an electric HOG. Now we just go wrinkled :D
Brilliant! : ) I don't even have an iron. I do this all the time!
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