
Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Price is Right!

 Most of you have probably seen the show The Price is Right.  Our ladies group from church decided to plan a fun night with that theme. It was supposed to happen a few weeks ago, but we had one of those crazy winter storms we've been having and it had to be postponed.  Last Friday it finally happened.  

The night started with a testimony from a lady who titled her talk "Jesus paid the Price, so the Price is Right!" She was destined to be incarcerated for crimes she committed, was a fugitive living under another name for 12 years. However, after marrying and having kids, she became a Christian and knew she couldn't live with this secret.  She turned herself in and ended up being exonerated. 

After her talk, the game started.  Two guys from our church who are hilarious and great actors, played Bob Barker, and Johnny Olsen, who was the announcer.

Here's Bob Barker and Johnny Olsen.  Matt, who was playing Bob Barker had put on some self tanning lotion as Bob always had a deep tan. It got darker than he anticipated, so he was joking that he had been vacationing in Florida.  He was also wearing a classy white wig.

They started the game, and to my surprise, the first name called to play was mine.
There were 2 sets of 3 games.  They did the first set of 3, and then on the second set I won the initial game.  That prize was a table top humidifier.  Then I played another game where you had to guess the price of things and win tokens to play Tic Tac Toe and won a Cuisinart waffle maker.

Here's a few of the other games they did.

The alpine climbing game

The famous Plinko Board.

Then it was time to spin the wheel for the play offs.  I got 90, so I ended up with one other person doing the final game.  
Believe it or not, I won the final game as well
The prize was a bunch of Vera Bradley camp chairs, backpacks, a blanket and a weekend stay at a home on a lake.

Here's all the winnings.  What a fun night, with unexpected prizes to go home with!
In the end though, the testimony we heard really was the most important part of the night.  We are so thankful that Jesus paid the price for us and eternal life is what we are given.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a fun idea! The sign and stage look so realistic that at first I thought it was the real show! You must have won more things than anyone else there! Were there many in attendance?

Mandy said...

Oh wow, how fun! 😀 And you won some great prizes! Yay!

Hootin Anni said...

What an extraordinary evening!!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi MARI- you have been rather fortunate and lucky to have such a winning time of it...the Cuisinart would be just great- love Waffles. Best Wishes. KEV.

Suemn said...

Wow Mari! You sure won a lot of nice prizes. I think you need to go buy a lottery ticket. Ha!

Mari said...

Hi Ginny - yes, there were a lot of people. Probably 200-250.

Deb said...

Daaang! Some nice prizes! Sounds like a fun time. =)

R's Rue said...

Love it.

Billie Jo said...

Would you believe I am watching Bob Barker on The Price is Right at this moment?!?! I love it, and it reminds me of my childhood. Your evening sounds fantastic! I cannot believe how much effort and hard work went into recreating all those fun games! And you won!!! Yay!!! Did they say... Mari...Come on, Down!!!!???

Jeanette said...

Sounds like a great, fun night! Congratulations on all your prizes, lucky lady!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, those are some great prizes.

Catherine said...

Congratulations ! You have won quite a lot of things!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I couldn't stop smiling through this whole post! What a wonderful way to spend a fun Christian evening like that!! Of course the testimony was the key...but to make it a fun night with games and I'm sure bring in more of a crowd was brilliant! And that fact that you won!!! I just love it. And I LOVE Vera Bradley anything. Lol 😉 Thanks for sharing the fun. ;)

HappyK said...

That sounds like a super fun time. Congratulations on winning all those prizes!!
What a great job on all the games. Looks wonderful. Impressive!

Debby said...

Wow, that sounds like fun. You sure raked in the prizes! What a great imagination from your church to come up with that.

Terri D said...

What a fun evening, Mari!! And what a wonderful testimony to begin the evening with, ending with the reminder of the greatest price ever paid. Amen. Enjoy your prizes!! Wow!!

Susan said...

Wow! You made out with the Vera Bradley collection!! Looks like it was a fun night and what a great way to share a testimony!

Debi said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! The props were very realistic. Whoever made them did an excellent job. Sounds like you really cleaned up! Have a great week!

Donna said...

Think I need to take you to Foxwoods! lolol
Well Done girlfriend!

16 blessings'mom said...

Wow, congrats on your winnings! I love the Vera Bradley camping gear, I drooled over it at lovely! I liked hearing the lady's testimony, when we put things straight there is definitely a blessing from God. Jesus opened up an amazing way for us to follow Him on!

Kim said...

Wow, you guys really committed to this! The actors went all the way, I love the tanning story and all the theatrics. The prizes look great, too. Lucky you!!

terri said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

Sally said...

How fun, Mari. And look at you girl winning all those lovely things. I'm happy for you.

Like you, I'm thankful for Jesus, and what he did for us. Eternal life will be beautiful.


Jenny the Pirate said...

Good grief, Mari! You won HUGE! I love it! No one and I mean NO ONE deserves it more! Let me know when to show up at the lake house xoxo

My Tata's Cottage said...

How fun! Yes Jesus did pay the ultimate price didn't He?

I think you should have bought a lottery ticket heeheehee you deserve all the good things. How fun was that!