
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Autumn comes to an end...

It's been a less colorful Fall than usual. The colors have been a little less brilliant, and there's been far less red than usual.  However, we've seen lots of bright yellow!  A lot of the trees are looking pretty bare at this point, but there are some that are hanging on, and there are some beautiful spots still around.
Here's a few pictures from around our home that were taken last week.  Tomorrow I'll share what it looked like at the end of the week!

 Here's the general look - some color, some green and some empty trees!

 This little creek looks pretty with all the yellow around it.

Isn't the tree behind our gate pretty?

 a little orange...

Another pretty yellow tree.  I like seeing the leaves pile up on the ground too.

This is our road.  Our house is on the left, a little past the pine tree. It's always nice to turn onto our road and see the trees.


Terri D said...

Your street is beautiful in all seasons, Mari, but especially this time of year!

Joyful said...

Beautiful photos Mari. I agree that this year the colours are a little less vibrant even where I live. But they are still beautiful and when the sun shines they are an awesome sight to behold. Have a wonderful week.

Sally said...

Oh, so pretty! I love seeing your street, and all the trees!


Changes in the wind said...

Just beautiful and I am not sure which is more pretty the tree or that gate!

Arlene G said...

It seems the Maple trees here are the most colorful as well. After all the rain we are getting I think the trees will be bare.

Linda said...

The colors here in western NY were pretty dull compared to previous years...and winter has approached here as well...It is the middle of November (almost)...smiles

Mary M said...

Here in Massachusetts our fall leaves were less colorful as well, though we held on to them longer than we did last year. The big round maple tree across the street that is always the most spectacular was mostly muted orange and yellow. The branches are bare now after the incessant rain and wind of last week. I love leaves on the ground. I was talking with my daughter a few weeks back of childhood memories of walking through piles of leaves on my way home from school, the sound they made and the lovely dried leaf smell that will always be autumn to me.


Cherdecor said...

It looks like you have more color than we did around here. It seemed like the trees here were green one day, gold the next and bare the next. It all happened so quickly.

Jenny said...

I love the red and orange but yellow leaves are so wonderful. But I could hardly look at the yellow tree behind your gate, I'm so captivated by the gate itself. That circle! I love it. xoxo