I know vacation season is done, for the most part. However, I wanted to share something I do when we go away.
I use a spiral notebook like this, the kind with paper and dividers with pockets inside. I print off all of my reservations, hotel information, directions or anything else like that and place it in one of the pockets. Often if you go online, you can also find coupons for money off admission to different attractions, so I also print off those kinds of things and put them in another pocket along with attraction fliers or things that may have been mailed to me.
When we go on our trip, I keep a running tally of the cost of things. I find it helps to keep the vacation budget in line and it's nice to know how much you spent on gas or food when the trip is done.
I also put receipts from hotels in it, just in case I need that information later
I like to scrapbook these trips, so if I see something I want to remember for that, I write it down in the book.
A vacation notebook works for me! For more ideas, visit Kristen at We are THAT family.
What a great idea. I always take a journal on our trips and write down gas and motel prices besides where we stay, what attractions we take in etc. It does help to keep everything organized and if we need information at a later date, it's in the journal to check back on.
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Super tips!
Good Idea!
Great Idea! I love help getting organized and keeping it all together. You're inspiring!
This reminds me of Kayren's little coupon book!! It's a great idea.
What a concept!!! You are so organized!
I posted my 5 words just now!
Happy Wednesday to you Mari
I do something similar to this that way I have all of the information handy. Good tip!
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Have a blessed rest of the week! :)
I'm somewhere between organized and fly by the seat of my pants! This is really a good idea, and beats stuffing everything into my purse!
Hi Maribeth, I'm so glad you had a good time on your trip. Being organized sure makes life a little easier, I know but I'm a lot like your friend Pat and that's somewhere between organized and flying by the seat of my pants too. I'm coming back to blogging real soon. So I'll be seeing you then.......k
What a great idea. I know I will have to start using this when we go on vacation whenever that is. I guess we will have to make it a point to do it.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
gonna make jay read this as he plans out our anniversary trip :)
That's a great idea! I usually have a stack of papers, but never thought of putting them in a book like that. Good thinkin! :)
What an awesome idea!! Thanks for the tip!
Excellent idea!
I used to do that. In addition to keeping track of all expenses, I would keep a daily diary. Are those notebooks ever fun to read now!!!
I guess my blog now serves as my diary of such things.
This is a fabulous idea! Now I just need a trip to plan, ;) Love your blog layout too by the way.
I write in a journal each night and I take it along when we camp. It is handy to check back on things the next year. You are so organized!
I did this for a trip to Israel in my senior year of college. I made a separate journal entry for each picture I took--so that when I devolped them later, I would know which place was which.
I included all the interesting facts and stories our guide and our professor shared as we toured each place.
And I'm SO glad I did. Now, 20 years later, I can sit down with my kids and look up specific places as we read about them in the Bible. The journaling, together with the real pictures, has turned into a wonderful resource!
Why is it now, though, that when I take a journal along on vacation, it usually ends up in the back seat with tic tac toes and airplane pictures all through it?? :)
Great idea!
That's a great idea Mari!
Nope vacation season is not done for us. We go to the beach in Sept and Oct.
Pamela RN in NE Ohio
I love this idea, what a great little memory in the end too! Thanks for sharing. -Kendrah
way to be so organized! must make for a stress-free vacation.
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