These towels have held up very well and remain soft and fresh smelling after many washings. Another thing I got from them were flour sack towels. These are great for cleaning. I especially like to use them for mirrors and glass. They don't leave lint on the glass like paper towels or the other old towels I used to use. So - if you are in the market for towels, I recommend that you check out the web site for The American Chair Store. They have great products and great customer service. For other tips, visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.
I love - Love good quality towels that last! We will have to check this out!
I hope all is well! I started a new blog - geared toward - frugal living - you can go here http://princess-i-fiedpalacefrugality.blogspot.com/to check it out. Or you can go to ATH and click over.
I'll check this out. You're right - so many towels lose their fluffiness right away!
I checked out their site. I have never seen restaurant aprons! They look like a complete dress! I would like one of those because I am forever getting something on me when I cook. I always wear a bib apron.
Thanks for the tip. There is nothing more aggravting than towels that fall apart while you are drying off
I love this site, thanks for the tip. I also checked out Shannon's blog and loved her tips on refridgerator organization, especially the tip about thawing meat. It's so great to help one another, I love this!
Luv it! Thanks for the tip.
I've heard many good things about them. I'll have to check them out!
Hey, thanks for the tip. I'll have to check them out when I need new towels!.
Thanks for the info. I will check it out because I love flour sack towels.
Who knew? Right here in our area, too. Thanks for the heads up. I love a good towel. The last batch I bought were great, but I paid more, too.
Thanks Mari....I'm going to check it out!
I love a nice thick towel, scented with Downey Lavender/vanilla...mmmm!
Hope you are having a great day!☺
Flour sack towels are great but hard to come by. Grandma used flour sacking for multiple things, including dusting and cleaning.
Thanks for the tips on the towels. I'm in need of some good ones and will check out the link.
Thanks also for your prayers for Brandon. Your friendship and caring is very much appreciated.
Glad you posted about the towels. I will have Ted take a look.
Thanks for this info. I never seem to have luck with towels. Last year I bought very expensive ones (with a Macy's coupon), but I am not happy with how they are lasting. I might try your place next.
I hope you and your family are well. I am just gettting caught up in my blogging - it seems like I haven't been home in a week!
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