It's been quite a week here in West Michigan. We have had lots of rain along with some pretty serious storms. 4 people were killed in our county last weekend, due to trees coming down and roads washing out in the rain. We had a couple of clear days during the week, but now its raining again! They have now closed a major highway north of us due to flooding and washouts. Of course, we aren't the only ones dealing with bad weather and compared to some people , our area isn't doing too badly.
Here's a few pictures of our front yard being rained on.

At least it's not snow!
Here's a few pictures of our front yard being rained on.

It does look pretty - but only in small amounts!!!
We have had the rain for sure, My daughter north of us said they had very severe weather all night long, flooding, tornados, high winds, and no power until later today. she said it was very scary the sky was orange color with constant huge lightening bolts
we're still praying for rain here in ATL. i think we're supposed to get some tomorrow -- but nothing what the midwest is getting!
we really need some rain -- and we pray for the drought to come to an end. please, Lord...
I do consider us very lucky in our area. I would not have liked to experience the washed out road. Driving along and all of a sudden, no road under ya. Not good!
I will take lots of pictures and be glad to share with all of ya.
gorgeous pictures!
I agree, what a gorgeous and peaceful yard you have!
Mari, Your pictures are show stoppers! Are those trees in the background? They look like columns and those petunias are gorgeous!
I love this picture! Good job!
LOL Mari, Yes, at least it's not snow. We had enough of that last winter and before we know it, it will be here again. Not something I'm looking forward to.
I don't mind the rain. Last night we had a gentle rain that lasted much of the night. Today is cooler and not as humid. A cool front is to move in this afternoon, bringing thunderstorms. As long as we don't get that wild wind we had last Sunday, it's fine by me. Our water levels are still down, so the rain doesn't bother me at all.
Take care and enjoy your weekend. I hope it's dry in your area today.
I'm so thankful for the beautiful day we are having today. It's perfect. Tomorrow sounds like more rain.
Hey, the recipes sound great. I think I made the burrito one years ago. I'll have to try it again. I know it was one we really liked.
Amen to that, sister!
We definitely don't need any more big rains for now!
that is sad about folks dieing in the storms there ... the weather has certainly been front page news everywhere, hasn't it ...
it is rainy & cool here too! hoping that the sun comes out soon!
We started saying a few years ago,
April Showers bring May flowers but
June rain makes the grass a pain!!!
Sorry you've been held captive by the waters.... soon enough we'll be begging for some rain to feed our flowers so we don't always have to in the sunshine.
Sorry to hear about all the bad weather. We've needed rain here and finally got some this afternoon!
Sorry about all the rain, those photos are gorgeous though :)
I'm finally back home in the States, it's been a great month spent in Africa but I'm glad to be back with my own things and my home!
Hope you're having a wonderful day,
That really is a pretty picture of your yard!
Your yard is so beautiful ! It looks like a place I would like to spend some time !! It's so green !!!
I've moved my blog. Here's where you can find me and the details of why ...
Sorry you all had such bad weather, glad I was on vacation down South in the sun. . .
I agree, at least it's not snow. I hope it quits and things are back to normal soon.
I will pray that the weather improves for you soon. That's terrible that people lost their lives.
Despite the rain, this is a pretty picture - your yard is so nice!
No snow! See, its all in how you look at it.
GORGEOUS! I'd like a rainy day about now. I don't like storms, but I love a good, soft, soaking rain. It's a good excuse to stay inside and do nothing! (only, please, one at a time... several days like that in a row make me depressed!!)
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