
Monday, January 6, 2025

Christmas Eve

We had our family Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve.  Laura, Heather and their families came for supper that evening.

We had a pretty simple supper; sliders, salad, mac and cheese and some Christmas treats.

The kids were enjoying their suppers.  Alaina is a huge fan of sliders, and Cassie loves "noodles".  

Connor was getting lots of attention.

We always read the Christmas story before opening presents.  I try to find a book that tells the story, and this year Ruby read it.

Cassie was happy with these doll clothes.

This made us all laugh.  We got Laura a plant trolley, to help move big potted plants.  It came in a big box which was not easy to wrap.  Imagine our surprise when she opened it and inside was another box, all sealed up - about half the size!

Such fun opening presents!

Connor is a smiley little guy!

Before they went home, Connor and Cassie got dressing in their matching PJ's.

My three girlies!


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Conner’s teething - just look at that drool. Too cute. What nice frame worthy photos! Looks like a lot of fun.?

Miss Merry said...

Precious Photos!!! What sweet grands.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your gift opening photos are great! And your large tree is so beautiful!

Catherine said...

I love the picture of Connor and Cassie so sweet. It’s always fun to open the gifts!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Connor is adorable and the girls are beautiful and they all look so very happy! Christmas is always better with children. the thing that grabbed me the most is the TRAY OF SLIDERS.. I love burgers of any kind or size and Mac and cheese is my 2nd favorite food. yum

Shug said...

Connor was certainly enjoying himself and everyone was enjoying him. Sliders sound so good right now...Hmmmm. sounds good for Dinner tonight. We always read the Christmas Story as well and the kids have always been a huge part of this. One year they all got together (dressed in costume) and as Sam read the story, they acted it out for us. I thought this was the best. Your family is beautiful and I love all of the warmth and love in these pictures.

Chatty Crone said...

Cassie does not look too sure of Conner there - so cute. They sure did get their father'[s dark beautiful eyes.
Cassie really liked the two older girls - they were so cute and nice to take the time with the littler ones.
It seems like a wonderful Christmas!

Jeanette said...

Looks like a nice family Christmas. So funny about that box If only you had known! Connor is a cutie!

Dianna said...

What a fun time of family being together. Your food all looks and sounds delicious! Love all the pictures of your grandchildren, Mari. That Connor is SO cute! The last picture of your three girlies is precious.

photowannabe said...

Oh how I love Connor and his drool. That's so cute and I'm glad you captured it.
Great shots of Christmas joy and excitement over the gifts.
You have a beautiful family, and I love your simple meal for Christmas Eve supper. Perfect and I love "noodles" too.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great shots of the girls. Love Cassie's expressions and that last picture of the three girls.
Connor is so sweet, and I think he looks a lot like his sister.
My favorite photo is the one of Ruby reading the Christmas story to Cassie.

Happy@Home said...

Such nice photos of your Christmas Eve celebration.
It appears that a good time was had by all.
I can easily see why Connor was capturing so much attention. What a cutie!

Barbara said...

What a beautiful Christmas you had, and Connor's very first!

HappyK said...

What a lovely time you all had.
Love the last picture!!!

Terri D said...

Thanks for sharing all the photos and all the fun of your Christmas Eve. Your grandkiddos are all so precious. I'm with Cassie on loving noodles!! That's funny about the smaller box inside the huge box! xo

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely photographs.
Connor is such a sweetie :)

All the best Jan

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Oh my goodness - your grandkiddos are all so beautiful!! What a fun Christmas celebration. I LOL's at Laura's box - I have done that before too!! 😂
The matching pj's on Cassie & Connor was beyond adorable! Great pics Grandma :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my word that little Connor is just about the cutest thing I have seen in forever!!! SO handsome and precious! I can't wait to kiss those little cheeks!!!! He's just a wonder. We had a meal a lot like that on Thanksgiving, of all things! We did things a mite differently this year and it was great. Your Christmas looks snug and cozy and memorable! Love you all! xoxo