
Sunday, October 13, 2024

More fun with our girlies!

Last weekend, we had our girls over again and had such a good time.  

We went out for supper and then came home and spent some time outside as the weather was perfect!

They had taken this bucket along, because they know we have an over abundance of acorns and they wanted to bring some home to the squirrels in their yard.  It didn't take long at all to gather all these.

After that, they tried to help Bob throw a weighted rope over some dead branches to pull them down.  They've done this before, but on this night they had no success!

We thought we should go for one last ice cream outing of the season.  They wanted to go to my Dad's favorite place, so we picked up my brother and took him too.  Everyone enjoyed it, plus it was a nice night for a drive.

The next morning, Bob took the girls to get donuts.  Someone had given him a gift card and the girls were thrilled to have a treat!

They had fun playing outside.  Alaina was practicing her volleyball skills...

while Ruby played on the skooter.

They still like to play on the playset.

and had fun walking on a trail out back.

We also did a fun craft that I'll show you next week.  Before we knew it, it was time to bring them home. 
Our girls are getting older and we know we have to appreciate this time while we can, and we do!


Dianna said...

I'm so glad that your girls are close by and you take the time to spend time with them now. Those things that you are doing now are giving them memories, but they are also building blocks to keep those connections strong even when they are in college. I know from experience.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are so kindhearted to want to bring home food for their squirrels!! And the adorable looks on each face in the donut photo is priceless! I can't wait to see the craft, you always have the best ones.