
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Not so Wordless Wednesday - Welcome Spring!


It's been such a crazy winter!  We are thrilled to see Spring arrive.

Even with the Spring flowers popping out, we got snowed on for much of Monday.

But, there is this:


(I love seeing the trees with that hint of green, knowing that in a week this will look so different!)



 Forsythia from a distance


Wild hyacinth

Leaves popping out all over.

Grecian Windflowers


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous Crocus! I have never heard of Grecian Windflowers. They look a bit like Daisies. But the Wild Hyacinth is my favorite. So beautiful. And I did not know there IS Wild Hyacinth!! I guess this is what it looked like before they started cultivating it. Blue flowers are so rare anyway.

Susan said...

Hi Mari, so many pretty flowers!!! We have had crazy weather this season too. Signs of new life. I know it brings a smile on your face as you grieve your dad. Hugs

Food Blogger said...

Such beautiful photos. Looks like you live in a beautiful place!

roentare said...

Spring colours everywhere. Just gorgeous!

Donna said...

What beautiful blooms! And snowing again? Well, things will be heating up soon enough!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Your yard is lovely. Spring is such a lovely time of year. Great pictures.

HappyK said...

Oh yes, a great time of year. Lovely to see all the signs of spring.

R's Rue said...


Michelle said...

Nothing like spring after a long winter. Glad it is finally arriving for you!

Barbara said...

You've got some springtime flowers that don't grow here in Florida. Seeing your pictures of them stirs up memories of my years in colder climates. Thanks. They are beautiful!

The Happy Whisk said...

That gate door with the half-round is very, very cool. I love the design.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

LOVE seeing your bits of Spring! You are weeks ahead of us - so I'm drinking it all in. AZ really helped me feel better about the rest of the wait for this long winter and crazy Spring to pass and bring real warmth and green and flowers. Thanks for sharing yours - that gives me hope and helps too! ;)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful pictures, Mari.
This year I missed the forsythia. By the time my back felt okay enough to take a short walk with my camera they were already gone. :(
I've never heard of those Grecian windflowers, but they ae really pretty.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Your yard has beautiful flowers. I like the big rock with the daffodils. Your side gate is lovely - It's coming...

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ah! Finally that hint-of-green which heralds the true arrival of spring! We had that two months ago, haahaa! Now I think we're having a second round of pollen! Your flowers and yard are gorgeous as always, a bit of late snow notwithstanding! xoxo

DUTA said...

Wonderful flower pictures! Spring is showing its beautiful face.

Terri D said...

Such beautiful signs of Spring!! I have never seen a crocus that color before. Absolutely gorgeous!!

Sparky said...

It is delightful to see Spring arrive with all it's pretty colors, smells and gentle temperatures. Lovely photos.

Jeanette said...

My friend and I were just remarking that it's funny how you see a hint of green then suddenly the trees are full! Your yard looks lovely!

Jean said...

Thank you, Lord, for Spring and flowers!!

Mari, yours are so beautiful!!

Sally said...

So many beautiful colors!

God is good.


Kim said...

I always love catching a glimpse of your lovely garden gate!