
Monday, April 24, 2023

Spring Floods

 We had some pretty significant flooding this Spring.  This happened while I was on my blog break, but I wanted to share some pictures with you.

We live just a few miles from the Grand River, and there is a little park on the area near us.  I go there often to take pictures.

I knew there was flooding going on, but I was still surprised when I drove in and found that I could even get to the parking lot. You can see the edge of the parking lot on the right side of this photo, with quite a bit of water over the drive.
So, I parked right at the entry and walked on higher ground to get in.

Here's the bridge over the river.  You can see how close the water is to the bottom of the bridge and get an idea of how far the water is over the banks.  It always looks so muddy and full of debris when it's flooding.

Another part of the drive that's flooded.  You can see a road sign on the left side of the picture.  The trees that look like they are in the middle of the water are usually on the bank of the river.

These steps usually go down to the river bank, but now the river has come to them.

This is the top of a picnic table.  No one is having lunch there today!

One more area that is usually a drive, and now has water flowing through it.

The water is still a little high, but now has mostly receded.  It's always interesting to see this area when it's flooded.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, you do have a lot of flooding there. I hope it isn't affecting the area where you live. Flooding is a concern here too, as the weather warms up and record setting snow pack comes down from the mountains. Good pictures. I hope you have a nice week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes! If you didn't know what you were doing, or were not familiar with the area, one could get hurt there! The water so close to the bridge is quite dangerous. Is that for walking or for cars driving?

Catherine said...

When I was living by the river Seine we had a lot of flooding and we had to wear rubber boots to go shot on the village square. We could not drive on the river banks road until the water level lowered.

roentare said...

Nice reflections in the murky water. Good sceneries

Donna said...

I can see where "Don't Drown, Turn Around" would apply there!
Hope all is well with you sweet friend!

Sally said...

Massive amount of water. Yes, no picnics there for a while.

Sending love your way, Mari.


Michelle said...

The weather has been wild everywhere this year. I hope this hasn't caused a problem for you.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Holy moly! That is some significant flooding. The winter truly seemed crazy all over this year. I pray for Spring and sun and warmth and all the flowers ahead. And hopefully everything back to normal!

Terri D said...

Wow, Mari! Flooding is so scary because the water just goes wherever it wants to and they isn't much you can do to stop it. Hoping no homes were in the way!! Thanks for sharing. You got some great pictures!

Jeanette said...

Wow! That really is flooded! There is a part of Northville where the lower Rouge river goes through and when the water is high if flows like a rapids! Pretty cool to see actually!

Sparky said...

Oh my goodness! Flooding can be scary. There's not much that will stop water from going to where it needs to go. I'm glad y'all could still get around OK.
Be safe. Blessings. xx

Susan said...

Lots of crazy weather everywhere! Our local mountains still have snow. Lots of the central valley in CA had too much rain. I am sure some crops have been ruined. That means higher prices for the salad industry.

HappyK said...

You sure did get some flooding!!
Hope it was just in the park and didn't flood homes.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is a lot of water. Floods scare me. We're having our snow melt flooding in the valley. It's just that time of the year. I hope you are safe.

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow! That's the top of a picnic table. That image brings it home for me for sure. Yikes.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Mari I think you should have figured out a way to get out onto that picnic table and take some panoramic shots for us. Just kidding! You still got some great shots! xoxo

Kim said...

The top of that picnic table really tells it all. Wow, that's a dramatic rise. Cool pics though!

Pam said...

I think I would rather have snow then flooding but not good if the snow is causing the floods.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

It is always amazing to me to see the effects water has on the world when it comes in extreme amounts. It is always a bit unsettling to see so much water in places that it shouldn't be. Hopefully the flooding eases, and there is not too much damage!