
Monday, October 18, 2010

GVSU Official Liplub

The town I live in is home to Grand Valley State University. In this clip they coordinated a huge group of people to lip sync a song that takes you all over the University. They did this to celebrate the University's 50'th anniversary. I'm told it took several days to get it done, because they wanted the whole thing shot without stopping. I thought it was a cute clip, and it shows what a pretty campus it is.


Aspiemom said...

The campus is really beautiful, Mari. said...

That was so cute! It really showed the campus and the versatility that it has to offer. The campus is very nice.

Patti said...

What a creative bunch of kids! They did a great job on this!

Cheri said...

Wow- it turned out great! I can't imagine the work that went into choreographing that!

Momma Roar said...

I love clever stuff like that! Thanks for sharing! I think my favorite part was the guy in the fountain - heehee!!

What's the mascot at GVSU?

Kari said...

great production - Go GVSU!
It does look very pretty.

p.s I like Michigan's fall colors and that cake looks delicious. I'm going to have to try it - especially with the cream cheese icing!

Zaankali said...

That is so cool! I hadn't seen or heard about that. Can you even imagine how long it took to figure out the timing of all of that. It is really impressive.

Shelly said...

That was good

septembermom said...

Very creative. Thanks for sharing.