
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cooking Thursday

It's time for another recipe. This is an easy bar recipe that is another favorite at our house. I've been asked for this recipe frequently, so I think you'll like it too!

Chocolate Streusel Bars

1 3/4 cup flour
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup cold margerine
1- 8 oz pkg cream cheese
1 -14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flour, sugar and cocoa. Cut in margerine until crumbly (mixture will be very dry). Reserve 2 cups crumb mixture and press remainder on bottom of 9x13 pan. Bake 15 minutes. Beat cream cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in condensed milk until smooth. Add egg and vanilla. Mix well. Pour over prepared crust. Sprinkle reserved crumb mixture over cheese mixture. Bake 25 minutes or until bubbly. Cool and chill. Cut into small squares and store in refrigerator.

For more recipes, see Sandra at Diary of a SAHM.


D said...

off subject;
Any left over carvings from the hubby, we may want to get rid of?? hmmmmmmm :) said...

Mari, you always have the most delicious recipes. Here's another one I will definitely make! Thank you!

LuAnn said...

Sounds good!!

Penny said...

What, what??!! This looks so good -- and easy!!!

Kim said...

Sounds really, really good!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, anything chocolate....gimme, gimme, gimme!!!

Happy Thursday Mari.

Jen said...

These sound really good! Have a great day.

Julieann said...

YUM!!!! Anything with cream cheese has to be good:)

I think I told you my 2 year old has a peanut/tree nut allery, so I have had to stop making a few of my family's favorites, so I am always on the look out for recipes that everyone can have here:)

Sometimes, I feel like putting a sign on my front door, *No Nuts Allowed*...LOL, but I think my friends may take it the wrong way:)

Happy Thursday Mari!


Pat said...

I have such a sweet tooth...or teeth. I'm so bad. Now I have to make this.

Unknown said...

Oh those do look good. Thanks for posting!

Raise Them Up said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm. This is perfect for what I was looking for!

My oldest has been asking for something DIFFERENT for his lunches. I'm afraid I don't mix things up enough for him. But this looks like something he can make on his own. :) (always a plus!)

annies home said...

these look delicious

Anonymous said...

These look so good and I have everything on hand to make them!!

Lynn said...

These look yummy. I may have to try them sometime soon.

Sandra said...

Oh YUM Mari.

Karen Hossink said...!
That sounds wonderful!
Do you think my kids deserve a treat tomorrow? Cuz I just might have to make this.

Beth Cotell said...

Looks delicious. Would like a big plate piled high with them right now!!!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Mari...
Sweetie does this every say "Yummy". I think I am going to have to try this one. I am an insulin diabetic, can you help me think of a way to make it a little more legal for me? I too like to splurge once and awhile.

Thank you for letting me share my True Beauty with you this evening. I believe that is what Moma and Daddy are. True Beauty. I still do not see their age, I only see Moma and Daddy. How beautiful they are.

Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. I pray it is blessed with a happy heart. Country hugs and so much love, Sherry

Karen Hossink said...

Just put it in the oven. My kids are excited! And so am I. *grin*

Unknown said...

These sound seriously delsh Mari! Oh my goodness!

Anonymous said...

I'd like one of these right about now!

Blessed Beyond said...

OH yummy!!! They look and sound awesome!

Kayren said...

Yum! Another bookmarked recipe!