I have something exciting to share with you. About 6 weeks ago I started having trouble with my voice. It started with just an occasional crack when I was singing, but gradually was getting worse. Soon it was cracking all the time, enough that people were asking what was wrong and it was getting quite difficult to speak. I was avoiding answering the phone when at work. I went to my Dr who sent me to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. He did a larygoscope on me and found that I had a small growth in the back of my throat and a larger one on my vocal chords. This meant I needed surgery. The one in the throat he could have removed in the office, but the one on the vocal chords would take a one and a half hour surgery to remove.
Surgery was scheduled for Tuesday (26th). After the surgery I was to remain quiet for 1 week. I asked my friends, family, co-workers and small group from church to pray about this. After a week my voice seemed to be somewhat better, and every day it continued to improve.
I called the specialist and he had me come back on Friday. After doing another scope, he was surprised to report that the growth on my vocal chords was 1/10th of the size it had been 2 weeks earlier. I told him that lots of people had been praying for me!
The small growth on the back of the throat was removed in the office and no surgery is needed! I don't have to go back for 3 months. (I also don't have to be quiet for a week!) So tomorrow - instead of going in for surgery, I'll be having a day off. I'm thanking God for answered prayers!
Praise God. I'm so glad the growth is gone and that there is no surgery required. That is GREAT news.
I've tagged you for a meme. It will be fun.
Hooray!!! That is fantastic news! It really sounds kind of scary, and not talking for a week...eek! When I had my tonsils out at 25 years old, I made Robert learn the sign language alphabet the night before I went in so I could make sure and communicate. You know, we still use it occasionally to this day, except there are a couple letters he'll mess up.
Amen! I love a praise report! Giving him the glory!
Just WoW!!!! Miracles DO happen. And you're living proof.
That is such great news. Thanking God for answered prayers....YaaaHooo......Kae
Praise Jesus! That's great news!
I'm catching up after having virtually no internet for the long weekend. It worked sporadically and was sooooooo slow that I wasn't able to visit my bloggy friends.
So a belated thanks for my award :-) That's a beautiful "button" I'll be happy to display when I post after Spanish. Muchas gracias!
Really like the Memorial Day post, too.
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!
That is such wonderful news, Mari!
Praising God with you :)
Enjoy your day off.
That is wonderful news Mari ! Thanks for sharing this with all of us. It's a great reminder of how much God cares about us !!
Mari, I'm so happy for you!! Thank God for watching over you. So wonderful to see the power of prayer in action!
Praise God! See, the Lord wants your voice to be heard!
Just the entire proceedure of having it removed in the office gives me the heebee geebees, you are a brave soldier!
that's amazing! :) Praise God.
WOW girlie, that's the amazing God we have. He can work miracles. Praise God for no surgery. Keep us updated, I'm putting you on my prayer list...we can always use a little extra!
that is truly awesome!! I just saw all that on our facebook chat session but just now able to answer you!!!!
Wow! God works in mysterious ways. What a lovely testimony for you! :)
I love it when God answers prayers so visibly! Sounds like a miracle to me!
Oh, yea! That is fantastic, Mari! Thanks for sharing your story!
It confirms just how close He is to us. Just the mention of His name...
That is AWESOME, Mari!! God is still in the mountain-moving business, isn't He?
What an answered prayer!!! Praise God that it shrunk and you don't have to have surgery. What a blessing and I am so happy for you.
Ain't that just the coolest thing!!! God is so good!!! Prayer really does help and gives all the Glory to our Lord, even the Dr. seemed to be amazed... How neat is that???
Oh Mari I have tears, Praise God, He loves us so very much!! I am so happy for you!!, I remember when he shrunk my tumor, I was so excited!!
Praise His Holy Name!!
...and yet we marvel at the power of prayer and the faithfulness of God.
I'm rejoicing with you that surgery is off and you have been touched by the healing hand of our God!!!
I'm reminded once again of years ago when I was told a had a tumor on my pituitory gland. After much prayer it was gone. Thanks for the reminder of the strength and goodness of our God!
Such a blessing and miracle!
Wow Mari. You are so calm and full of faith. I would have been a nervous wreck (needles, Dr's...anything like that..). How did they remove it in the Dr's Office? Did it make you gag (gag reflex?). Oh you are so brave and wonderful.
I'm glad you're well. And that you have the day off now. God is Good! Won't deny that ever! may feel very lost right now, but I'm hoping I'll see him coming to find me soon!!
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