
Monday, December 9, 2024

Fun times with the girls

We had Alaina and Ruby overnight on Friday.  They stayed all day Saturday because we had a birthday party that night.  So - we had time to do lots of fun things!

We spent some time Friday evening making a gingerbread house. I had picked up a kit that looked pretty easy.

It was coming along well and they were being quite artistic...

But suddenly, things started sliding...

and there was no saving it. They were ok, had a laugh and said it was fun anyway.

We then watched Rudolph, and while watching, Alaina worked on a stocking cap.  She finished it before she went to bed.

On Saturday, the girls went out to Bob's workshop to work on something Alaina had seen and thought they should make. 

Doing sanding

and staining.

Here are the finished reindeer!  They were very proud of them and Bob enjoyed having the girls out in the shop with him.

That afternoon we made slime.  A few months ago we did pumpkin slime which they loved doing and said we should do some in green at Christmas.

They love playing with this stuff!

There was a lot of handwashing needed after this project.

We added red beads and glitter to make it festive.

They decorated jars to hold the slime.

It was a few days of fun!


Terri D said...

I love how the girls have so much fun with you and the great projects you have for them!! And the wooden deer they made with Bob are great!! Always fun!! Thanks for sharing.

My Shasta Home said...

Those reindeer are awesome. The talent for wood crafts run in the family. Love it.

Miss Merry said...

What fun!!! And those reindeer are wonderful, really wonderful. What creative young women!!!!

Susan said...

Those reindeer are so cute and that slime is merry!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The cap she made is really nice! And the reindeer are wonderful They will be used every year and look so professional. We have never had good luck with the gingerbread houses. For Christmas, get the pre-built ones. They work really well.

R's Rue said...

So much fun. Love it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had almost as much fun as they did just reading and seeing it here. LOVE the deer and would be proud to display them.. I have heard about slime but never seen it. they are beautiful girls, you are blessed as are they to have each other.
thanks for the fun

Jeanette said...

You have such fun with your granddaughters! I love the deer!

GrammaGrits said...

What wonderful grandparents y'all are to your grands! Fun to see the pictures and all they make and the fun they have with you. Blessings . . .

Chatty Crone said...

I would love to come there to play myself. You are a gift (good deed) for those beautiful girls.

Mandy said...

Oh what fun!! Those reindeer are absolutely gorgeous!! And I am so impressed with the knitting! Slime and gingerbread houses!! Just so much fun!

Billie Jo said...

You are the absolute best! What fun!!!!

Catherine said...

The girls are changing and growing a lot.
I bought a gingerbread kit at ikea and will “ try”to build it with Max, but I tried ounce and it was not a success. I love the reindeers! My father was a carpenter and I love wood.

photowannabe said...

Wow, Mari, you are the Grandma Extraordinaire ... What fun things to do together, can I be one of your grandkids too?
Love Alaina's stocking cap. Well done..
Fun gingerbread house too even in its sliding condition.
Oh to work in the workshop with Grandpa and create masterpieces. Love their reindeer and precious memories.

acorn hollow said...

What a fun and creative time you all had!!!

Shelby said...

What a fun and creative time you all had! The wooden reindeer are absolutely adorable, and it’s so special that they get to create such lasting memories with you. Reading this after my workout at the gym in logan ut and it’s inspiring me to add a little more creativity into my own holiday season. Thank you for sharing these heartwarming moments

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I need to keep a handbook with all the brilliant grandparenting tips by you folks. :) Everything looked so fun! I remember how Annie loved doing slime for YEARS. Long messy years. Lol But my favorite moments were Bob's deer - how sweet is that. And the fact that Alaina made a hat so quick like that!! Crafty gal like her Mom and Grandma. Love it!

HappyK said...

A fun and creative day.:)

Lowcarb team member said...

You had such a great time.
Lovely to see the photographs and the reindeer are wonderful.

All the best Jan

Kim said...

You must love having your grands with you during the holidays, the magic truly is with the children! Those reindeer are amazing! What a lovely keepsake!

Jean said...

Wow, these girls are SO lucky to have you and Bob and your time and expertise!!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

What is it with kids and slime! Dagny can't get enough of that stuff! Oh and WOW those reindeer are too cute. Amazing that the girls wanted to get out in the shop and work on wood with Grandpa! And Alaina knitting (or is that crochet) that stocking cap is impressive too! xoxo