
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Friday Funny


How cute is this little goat?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, he looks like a little stuffed animal! And can you imagine when he starts jumping around?

Connie said...

He's precious!

Hootin Anni said...


Terri D said...

SO CUTE!! Made me smile! Have a blessed day, Mari!

Judy said...

Awe, he’s too cute! I enjoyed catching up on your blog, I sure have missed a lot :) Congratulations on the new job, I hope it’s going well for you, and your granddaughters are growing up so fast. I’ve been looking for a cake recipe to have over the Christmas holiday and this one looks yummy, I’m definitely going to make this. I love when you post recipes, thanks.

Linda said...

AWWWWWWWW how adorable. I hope you have a beautiful day, friend. smiles

Sandi said...

That is entirely too cute!

Jenny the Pirate said...

I'd say that's about as cute as a little bitty goat can get! I want to kiss him xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...



Suemn said...

That isn't a real goat is it? If so, I want him:)

HappyK said...

On is certainly is cute!!!

Henny Penny said...

Oh my gosh! I want it. That is the most adorable little animal I've ever seen.

Kim said...

So adorable!!!

Kerin said...

Pretty cute!
That's how they 'get' ya! Cute baby animals that turn into big animals....haha!

Have a great weekend.


Jeanette said...

That is absolutely adorable!

Catherine said...

So cute, I love goats