
Monday, February 8, 2021

Cassie's room

 Last week I went to Andrew and Heathers house on my day off to help her work on Cassie's nursery.  It was mostly done when she was born, however, because she came 5 weeks early there were some finishing touches and organization to be done.  Miss Cassie has been a little fussy, and when she went to the Dr last week, they were told she had colic.  Needless to say, Heather and Andrew have been busy, and just a little tired, so I came to help.

This is the shiplap Bob put up on one wall of the nursery.

This is the crib that Andrew designed and that Bob and Andrew built.  They ordered a mattress for it, but when it came, it was longer than it was supposed to be and doesn't fit.  Now they are waiting for the slip to return it and the new one to come.  Cassie isn't sleeping in it yet anyway.  She's sleeping in Andrew and Heather's room, in the cradle that Bob made for our kids.

Heather loves things with sentimental value and this is one of them.  This old scale was the one my mom had for me and my siblings - many years ago.  It still works!

Here's one side of the room.  The rocker used to be Bob's moms, so it's another piece with sentimental value.

Here's the other side of the room.  They have some cute pics to put up on the wall, and then everything is ready when Cassie gets a little older and can sleep here.

Here's Cassie!  Looks are deceiving though.  She didn't stay peaceful like this for too long.
I enjoyed snuggling her a little while I was there too.


Jean said...

Awww, bless little Cassie. Colic is so difficult. None of my babies had it, but I remember when my sister Rose and her family were staying at our house when one of her girls was a baby, and she was colicky. I remember how Rose had to rock her and carry her around and still she cried. And it was like that every evening. I pray that Cassie soon gets beyond that stage.

The nursery is adorable! I cannot imagine having things that are that old, and still in good condition. So great!

Arlene G said...

I am glad Heather values the family heirlooms. And that Cassie is adorable.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, she is really growing! Still such a beautiful little girl. I love the crib and I love that Bob made it for Cassie. That room will be just perfect for her to grow up in, surrounded by lots of love.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a nice nursery, soon to be even nicer! She sure is cute, what a shame about the colic! Is there anything they can give her for it, or do to help nowadays? I know there didn't used to be.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well I'm sorry to hear about the mattress mix-up and truly sorry that Cassie is fussy. Poor little one! She can't help it but that doesn't help at three or four in the morning. Funny how when they get older -- like, walking around and talking -- we wish for them to be little babies again. It's like we forget how exhausting it was! We are always begging Dagny to stop growing. I can't! She shrieks. Haahahaha! Cassie's room is coming along so nicely. She's a most fortunate baby. The lines have are drawn unto her in pleasant places! She has a goodly heritage. xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet child Cassie is! And her room will be as lovely as she is!

Doris said...

Your help was greatly appreciated for sure. Babies are adorable no matter what but sooo exhausting!! Hope the fussy stage isn't too long.
The nursery is so pretty! LOVE the nostalgic additions.

Changes in the wind said...

How fun to be able to go visit and help and cuddle. She is a cutie. That scale is amazing, love that she loves the sentimental.

Sparky said...

How exciting! Such a precious little face. She is so cute. Big hugs. Grow up safe and loving the LORD little one. Blessings. xx

Jeanette said...

I love that your daughter loves sentimental things Mine does too! When her first son was born we she used the bassinet that me and my brothers slept in when we were babies. My niece refurbished it and gave it to her for a shower gift!

Judy said...

The baby’s room is beautiful and I love the scale. Cassie is adorable and look at all that beautiful hair :) Andrew and Heather are very blessed to have you and Bob.

Terri D said...

Oh my goodness, Mari! Cassie is SO beautiful!! Her room will be amazing when everything comes together. Blessings abound!! xo

Henny Penny said...

Ah, bless her heart. She sure is a sweetit pie. I love the nursery. It is so cute. You are a good grandma! Bet you were a perfect Mother too.

Sylvia said...

So pleased you are able to go and help. How cute Cassie is and pray that colic gets under control soon. LOVE the nursery.

LL Cool Joe said...

Cassie looks so peaceful there, shame it didn't last! The room looks good, I like the wall. A pain about the mattress not fitting though.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Playing catch up and LOVE posts like this! Decorating, anything baby, and seeing that gorgeous granddaughter of yours again! Prayers that colic gets better soon for her poor parents. I know that's not fun. 💕

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Mari, this is Mildred. Cassie is beautiful. Her bed is such a treasure and I love the sentimental heirlooms, also. So happy for each of you. Xo

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Mari, this is Mildred. Cassie is beautiful. Her bed is such a treasure and I love the sentimental heirlooms, also. So happy for each of you. Xo